Custom Events

The Custom Events page lists all custom events that are defined in the system. Custom events are events that do not get added automatically by the customer API. You can use the user interface to add or delete custom events. For a sports venue, custom events may include non-league events such as concerts.

Select the column headings if you want to sort entries alphabetically or chronologically according to the entries in that column. Use the widgets at the bottom of the page to control the number of events that display and to scroll up and down. By default, 20 events are displayed.

Select the following icons to:

Add event icon — Add Event
Add a new custom event. See Add Custom Event.
Delete event icon (trash can) — Delete Event
Remove a custom event. See Delete Custom Event.
Refresh icon — Refresh
Refresh the Custom Events list.
— Open Dashboard
Open dashboards for a custom event. See Open Dashboards for Custom Event.