Pre Flight Checks

Pre flight checks let you test a venue's network readiness prior to a live event. Pre flight checks are run on the day of the event. They may be run after the venue has started tracking live data for the event, but prior to the scheduled start time of the event. However, you can also run pre flight checks during the scheduled event.

To run a check:

  1. Select the Business Insights navigation icon , and then select Pre Flight Checks.
  2. Select the appropriate venue. You can enter the venue name in the Search box or scroll to the appropriate venue.
  3. To configure the Pre flight check, select the (Configuration) icon for the venue and do the following:
    1. Under Enabled Checks, select the tests that you want to run.
    2. Under AP Check, enter the IP address targets that you want to target for the check. Insert a comma between each address.


      We recommend that you don't run AP checks during a scheduled event as some checks may take the AP offline.
    3. Expand the Location categories and check each location that you want to include in the check.
    4. Select Save.
  4. To run the check, select the (Start Pre Flight Check) icon for that venue.

The results display in the window. Refer to the following sections for more information on the checks that are run and the results that are returned.



  • To download the results in a PDF file, select the (Download Pre flight Check) icon for that venue.

  • To delete the check results, select the (Clear Pre flight Check) icon for that venue.

Types of Checks

Pre flight checks includes the following types of checks:



The list of checks may vary from the documented list depending on which products you've integrated with Business Insights.

Table 1. Pre Flight Checks
Check Type Description

XIQ-C Ingestion

This check tests whether ExtremeCloud IQ Controller (XIQ-C) is sending data as expected by checking when the “MU Table” and “AP Table” of a venue were last updated. The check returns the following results:

  • The check is rejected if the venue is not configured for ingestion from ExtremeCloud IQ Controller.

  • The check passes if both the “MU Table” and “AP Table” for the venue have been updated in the last 20 minutes.

  • Otherwise, the check fails.

Traffic Sensor ingestion

This check tests whether raw data is being ingested through the traffic sensor and that this raw data is being processed into entries in the application table. The check returns the following results:

  • The check is rejected if the venue is not configured for traffic sensor ingestion.

  • The check passes when both the raw flows table and the application table for the venue have been updated in the last 20 minutes.

  • Otherwise, the check fails

Upcoming Events

This check tests whether there are upcoming or ongoing events scheduled for a venue. The check returns the current event (if one exists) and the next scheduled event.

The check categorizes events as "upcoming" or "ongoing" using the following logic:

  • If the start time is in the past, or is the same as the current time, the event gets reported as an "ongoing" event.
  • If the start time is in the future, the event gets reported as an "upcoming" event.

Diagnostic Check: Event Selectors Endpoint

This check tests whether the selectors that are used to find the current live event for a venue are being generated as expected. The check first sees whether there is a live event currently running at the venue and rejects running the check if there is not. The check looks through all the selectors for live events, matches them with the live events in the venue schedule, and confirms that each live event in the schedule has a corresponding selector.

  • The check is rejected if there is no current live event at the venue.
  • The check passes if selectors can be found for each live event at the venue.
  • Otherwise, the check fails if selectors cannot be found for all of the live events at the venue. This includes situations where selectors can be found for some (but not all) of the live events at the venue.

Diagnostic Check: Event Timezone Endpoint

This check tests whether the time zone for the current live event at the venue matches the time zone for the venue that was set in the configuration.

  • The check is rejected if there is no current live event at the venue.
  • The check passes if time zones for the event and the venue are successfully retrieved and match.

  • Otherwise, the check fails.

Diagnostic Check: Charts Run Endpoint

This check tests whether the venue can receive data and is able to transform the data into charts. The check first sees if the venue has the right configurations to receive both ExtremeCloud IQ Controller data and traffic sensor data. The check then tests whether there is currently a live event at the venue and attempts to create a chart from the received data.

  • The check is rejected if there is no current live event at the venue.
  • The check passes if a chart is created successfully.
  • Otherwise, the check fails.

AP Check: Basic Wired Connectivity

This check tests whether selected network access point devices can connect to the local internet‘s wired connection. The check connects to ExtremeCloud IQ Controller at the venue, which signals to the selected APs to emulate being a wired client and to ping the default gateway to verify internet access. The check takes the average roundtrip times for each AP‘s ping test

  • The check passes if all of the average ping times are under 5ms.
  • The check returns a warning if any average ping time is greater than 5ms, but all average ping times are less than 20ms.
  • The check fails if any average ping time is greater than 20ms.
  • The check is rejected if ExtremeCloud IQ Controller is not configured or if there are no APs or network configured.

Check Results

The following table provides a description of the check results.

Table 2. Check Results
Field Description
Check Type Lists the checks that Business Insights completes on this venue.
Status Status of the check. Valid values are:
  • Success
  • Failure
  • Info
Start Start time for the check.
End End time for the check.
Message A message that provides details about the check results.