
Use the Preferences page to set the following:

  • Default landing page after login
  • Default Chart Type
  • Color Palette for charts
  1. Select the Business Insights navigation icon and select Preferences.
  2. Select the User Preferences tab.
  3. Set the Default Landing Page by selecting one of these options:
    • Default—Use the system default landing page.
    • Custom—Choose a specific dashboard page as default. From the Dashboard Type and Dashboard drop-downs, select a specific page. For example, choose Historical and Social Media to set Social Media historical dashboard as default.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Select the Chart Preferences tab.
  6. From the Chart Type drop-down, select the default chart type (for example, Line charts, stacked charts, pie charts, bar chart).
  7. For the Chart Color Palette, select one of these options:
    • Default—System default colors apply.
    • Custom—Customize the color palette. Select a color category on the left of the page. In the popup, select the color that you want to assign to the category or enter the hexadecimal color value. Repeat for each category that you want to customize.
  8. Select Save.