efa fabric device add-bulk

Adds multiple devices to an existing fabric.


efa fabric device add-bulk [ --name | --ip device-ip | --leaf | --border-leaf <hostname> | --three-stage-pod | --five-stage-pod | --spine | --super-spine | --username |--password | --rack | --help ]

Command Default

If “username” and “password” are provided, the devices will be auto registered with the inventory service.

If “username” and “password” are not provided, the devices must be registered with the inventory service.

A single “three-stage-pod” and “five-stage-pod” can be provided per CLI execution.


Specifies the name of the fabric.
Specifies the pair of device IPs for rack.
Specifies the comma separated list of leaf IP Address/Host names.
Specifies the comma separated list of borderLeaf IP Address/Host names.
Specifies the name of the leaf/spine pod.
Specifies the name of the super-spine pod.
Specifies the comma separated list of spine IP Address/Host names.
Specifies the comma separated list of super spine IP Address/Host names.
Specifies the username for the list of devices.
Specifies the password for the list of devices.
Specifies the rack name.
Displays help for add-bulk.


efa fabric device add-bulk --name BLR_FABRIC --leaf, --border-leaf, --spine  --username admin --password password