efa tenant epg detach

Detaches an EPG.


efa tenant epg detach [ --tenant |--source-epg |--destination-epg |--destination-epg-description |--destination-epg-ctag-range |--help]


Specifies the tenant name.
Specifies the source EPG name.
Specifies the destination EPG name.
Displays destination EPG description.
Specifies the destination EPG ctag range.
Displays help for detach.


The following is an example of using the epg split flag.

efa tenant epg show
Name          : epg11
Tenant        : tenant11
Description   :
Ports         :
POs           : po1315, po1215, po1115
Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk            
		: native-vlan-tagging : false
NW Policy  : ctag-range          :211-212
              : vrf                 : blue11
              : l3-vni              : 14191
Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
| Ctag | L2-Vni |  Anycast-ip   | BD-name |  Dev-state  | App-state  |
| 211  | 10002  | |         | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
| 212  | 10003  | |         | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |

efa tenant epg split --tenant tenant11 --source-epg epg11 --destination-epg epg12 --destination-epg-ctag-range 212

efa tenant epg show
Name          : epg12
Tenant        : tenant11
Description   :
Ports         :
POs           : po1315, po1215, po1115
Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk              
		: native-vlan-tagging : false
NW Policy  : ctag-range          : 212
              : vrf                 : blue11
              : l3-vni              : 14191
Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
| Ctag | L2-Vni |  Anycast-ip   | BD-name |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
| 212  | 10003  | |         | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
Name          : epg11
Tenant        : tenant1
Description   :
Ports         :
POs           : po1315, po1215, po1115
Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
              : native-vlan-tagging : false
NW Policy  : ctag-range          : 211
              : vrf                 : blue11
              : l3-vni              : 14191
Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
| Ctag | L2-Vni |  Anycast-ip   | BD-name |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
| 211  | 10002  | |         | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |