efa system settings update

Configures the schedule for automatic database backups and purges, and determines the maximum number of backup and supportsave files to save before purging begins.


efa system settings update [ --backup-schedule time] [ --backup-purge-schedule time ] [ --supportsave-purge-schedule time ] [ --max-backup-files num ] [ --max-supportsave-files num ]


--backup-schedule time
Specifies the schedule for periodic, automatic backups, in the format HOUR:DOM:MON:DOW (hour, day of month, month, day of week). The default schedule is Sunday 12 AM.
--backup-purge-schedule time
Specifies the schedule for deleting old backup .tar files, in the format HOUR:DOM:MON:DOW (hour, day of month, month, day of week).
--supportsave-purge-schedule time
Specifies the schedule for deleting old supportsave files, in the format HOUR:DOM:MON:DOW (hour, day of month, month, day of week).
--max-backup-files num
Specifies the maximum number of backup files to keep. The backup purge process deletes the older backup files in excess of this value. The default is 5 backup files.
--max-supportsave-files num
Specifies the maximum number of supportsave files to keep. The supportsave purge process deletes the older files in excess of this value. The default is 5 supportsave files.


This example configures a backup schedule of 0200 on the 3rd day of the month and then shows how to use the efa system settings show command to view all settings, including the new backup schedule.

$ efa system settings update --backup-schedule 2:3:*:*
Setting Update Successful
--- Time Elapsed: 319.383113ms ---

$ efa system settings show
|          SETTING           |   VALUE   |
| Max Backup File Limit      | 5         |
| Max Supportsave File Limit | 5         |
| Backup Schedule            | 0 2 3 * * |
| Backup Purge Schedule      | 0 0 * * * |
| Supportsave Purge Schedule | 0 0 * * * |
--- Time Elapsed: 181.854843ms ---