efa inventory rma

Initiates Return Material Authorization (RMA).


efa inventory rma history [ --ip <ip address> | --help ]
efa inventory rma detail [ --uuid <drift-reconcile id> | --help ]
efa inventory rma delete [ --key <ip address> | --help ]
efa inventory rma execute [ --ip <ip address> |--config-backup-id <config-backup-uuid> |--help ]


Specifies UUID of the configuration to be replayed
Displays device replace detail
Deletes RMA record
Executes RMA for device with the given IP
Provides help for inventory commands
Displays RMA history
Specifies IP address of the device
Specifies IP address of the device or RMA execution UUID to be deleted
Specifies drift reconcile id


The following example shows efa inventory rma commands.

# efa inventory rma execute –-ip --config-backup-id 1111-1111-111
# efa inventory rma history –ip
# efa inventory rma detail –uuid 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000