Back up and Restore the EFA System

You can back up and restore the EFA system, including the database and certificates.

  1. To back up the system, run the following command.
    $ efa system backup
    Generating backup of EFA...
    Backup Location: /apps/efa_logs/backup/EFA-2021-02-10T13-21-46.413.tar
    --- Time Elapsed: 10.401999384s ---
  2. To restore the system, take the following steps.
    1. Run the efa system restore command.
      $ efa system restore
      EFA-2021.01.12-11.19.52.tar (Version:2.3.2-GA, Generated by: User)
      EFA-2021-01-12T04.59.09.tar (Version:2.4.0-7171, Generated by: User)
      EFA-2021-01-12T13.50.00.tar (Version:2.4.0-121, Generated by: User)
      EFA-2021-01-12T13.50.51.tar (Version:2.4.0-121, Generated by: System)
      EFA-2021-01-12T16.11.47.tar (Version:2.4.0-1211, Generated by: System)
      EFA-Upgrade-2.3.2-GA.tar (Version:2.3.2-GA, Generated by: System)
      The command output displays a list of available backup tar files.
    2. To enable secure connections, install the certificates on devices.
      efa certificates device install --ips <ip-adddr> certType [ http|token]
      The command installs the HTTPS or OAuth2 certificate on one or more devices.
    3. Select the backup tar file that you want to restore.
      Choose backup option:1
      Selected: EFA-2021.01.12-11.19.52.tar
      Performing EFA restore using EFA-2021.01.12-11.19.52.tar
      Generating backup before initiating restore
      BACKUP_TAR: /apps/efa_logs/backup/EFA-2021.01.12-11.19.52.tar
      Stopping all EFA services
      All pods are terminated
      Migrating database
      Completed database migration
      Checking if all PODS are in ready state...
      Restore operation is successful
      --- Time Elapsed: 9m3.079104969s ---
    4. When the restore is complete, run source/etc/profile.
      You can now log in to EFA.