show slot

show slot {slot {detail} | detail }


Displays the slot-specific information.

Syntax Description

slot Specifies a slot on a SummitStack or bridge port extender (BPE) bridge port extender (BPE) slot assignment.
detail Specifies detailed port information.



Usage Guidelines

The show slot command displays the following information:
  • The slot number.
  • The type of switch installed in the slot.
  • The type of switch configured for the slot.
  • The state of the switch, whether the power is down, if the switch is operational, if a diagnostic being run, if there is a mismatch between the slot configuration and the switch in the slot.
  • The number of ports on the switch.
  • The current number of times the switch has been restarted after a failure and the configured restart-limit.


    You may see slightly different information displayed depending on the platform and configuration you are using.

If you do not specify a slot number, information for all slots is displayed.

The display also includes a notice of insufficient power, should that arise.

The show slot command displays the following states, among others:
  • Down
  • Power ON
  • Powered OFF
  • Booting
  • Initializing
  • VLAN sync
  • FDB sync
  • ACL sync
  • RT sync
  • Operational

The output of this command displays eight rows. If a node in the Active Topology is not assigned a slot number, the state of the slot is shown as Empty. A node that shows as a slot has successfully joined the active topology. This means ExtremeXOS software can communicate with this node and does not mean that the node has been successfully brought up. The card state in the display indicates whether the slot was successfully started. If the card state is Operational, then the node is being used in the stack to carry user data as configured.

The output of the command displays the slot number, type of the ExtremeSwitching in that slot, state of the slot, and the number of ports.

The number of ports does not include the stacking links. It includes the option card ports regardless of whether the option card is installed.

This command is not available on ExtremeSwitching series switches operating in non-stacking mode.


The following example displays switch information for all slots in a stack:

* Slot-7 Stack.1 # show slot
Slots    Type                 Configured           State       Ports
Slot-1   SummitX              SummitX              Operational   26
Slot-2   X                    X                    Operational   50
Slot-3   X                    X                    Operational   26
Slot-4   SummitX              SummitX440       Operational   26
Slot-5   X                    X                    Operational   26
Slot-6   X                    X                    Operational   26
Slot-7   X                    X                    Operational   26
Slot-8                                             Empty          0

The following example displays switch information for a specific slot on the stack:

* Slot-7 Stack.91 # show slot 1 detail
Slot-1 information:
State:               Operational
Download %:          100
Restart count:       0 (limit 5)
Serial number:       800187-00-02 0635G-00074
Hw Module Type:      SummitX450-24x
SW Version:
SW Build:            v1170b17
Configured Type:     SummitX440
Ports available:     26
Recovery Mode:       Reset
Node MAC:            02:04:96:27:87:17
Current State:       STANDBY
Image Selected:      secondary
Image Booted:        secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:
Config Selected:     primary.cfg

The following example displays detailed switch information for all slots on a stack:

* Slot-7 Stack.90 # show slot detail
Slot-1 information:
State:               Operational
Download %:          100
Restart count:       0 (limit 5)
Serial number:       800187-00-02 0635G-00074
Hw Module Type:      SummitX
SW Version:
SW Build:            v1170b17
Configured Type:     SummitX
Ports available:     26
Recovery Mode:       Reset
Node MAC:            02:04:96:27:87:17
Current State:       STANDBY
Image Selected:      secondary
Image Booted:        secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:
Config Selected:     primary.cfg
Slot-2 information:
State:               Operational
Download %:          100
Restart count:       0 (limit 5)
Serial number:       800163-00-04 0635G-01187
Hw Module Type:      SummitX
SW Version:
SW Build:            v1170b17
Configured Type:     SummitX
Ports available:     50
Recovery Mode:       Reset
Node MAC:            02:04:96:27:87:17
Current State:       STANDBY
Image Selected:      secondary
Image Booted:        secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:
Config Selected:     primary.cfg
Slot-3 information:
State:               Operational
Download %:          100
Restart count:       0 (limit 5)
Serial number:       800152-00-04 0630G-00736
Hw Module Type:      SummitX
SW Version:
SW Build:            v1170b17
Configured Type:     SummitX
Ports available:     26
Recovery Mode:       Reset
Node MAC:            02:04:96:27:87:17
Current State:       STANDBY
Image Selected:      secondary
Image Booted:        secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:
Config Selected:     primary.cfg
Slot-4 information:
State:               Operational
Download %:          100
Restart count:       0 (limit 5)
Serial number:       0635G-00073 S450-24X
Hw Module Type:      SummitX
SW Version:
SW Build:            v1170b17
Configured Type:     SummitX
Ports available:     26
Recovery Mode:       Reset
Node MAC:            02:04:96:27:87:17
Current State:       STANDBY
Image Selected:      secondary
Image Booted:        secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:
Config Selected:     primary.cfg
Slot-5 information:
State:               Operational
Download %:          100
Restart count:       0 (limit 5)
Serial number:       800153-00-04 0646G-00683
Hw Module Type:      SummitX
SW Version:
SW Build:            v1170b17
Configured Type:     SummitX
Ports available:     26
Recovery Mode:       Reset
Node MAC:            02:04:96:27:87:17
Current State:       STANDBY
Image Selected:      secondary
Image Booted:        secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:
Config Selected:     primary.cfg
Slot-6 information:
State:               Operational
Download %:          100
Restart count:       0 (limit 5)
Serial number:       800153-00-04 0646G-00691
Hw Module Type:      SummitX
SW Version:
SW Build:            v1170b17
Configured Type:     SummitX
Ports available:     26
Recovery Mode:       Reset
Node MAC:            02:04:96:27:87:17
Current State:       BACKUP
Image Selected:      secondary
Image Booted:        secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:
Config Selected:     primary.cfg
Slot-7 information:
State:               Operational
Download %:          100
Restart count:       0 (limit 5)
Serial number:       800153-00-01 0603G-00741
Hw Module Type:      SummitX
SW Version:
SW Build:            v1170b17
Configured Type:     SummitX
Ports available:     26
Recovery Mode:       Reset
Node MAC:            02:04:96:27:87:17
Current State:       MASTER
Image Selected:      secondary
Image Booted:        secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:
Config Selected:     primary.cfg
Slot-8 information:
State:               Empty
Restart count:       0 (limit 5)
Serial number:
Hw Module Type:
Configured Type:
Ports available:     0
Recovery Mode:       Reset
Node MAC:            00:00:00:00:00:00
Current State:
Image Selected:
Image Booted:
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:
Config Selected:
The following example shows information for a BPE on slot 100:
 # show slot 100 detail

Slot-100 information:
     State:               Operational
     Description:         Building1, Floor30
     Download %:          100
     Flags:               M
     Restart count:       0 (limit 5)
     Serial number:       00.00.01 1705D-10009
     Hw Module Type:      V400-48t-10GE4
     SW Version:
     Configured Type:     V400-48t-10GE4
     Ports available:     52
     Recovery Mode:       Reset
     Debug Data:          Peer=


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

This command was first available on SummitStack in ExtremeXOS 12.0.

Slot description (name) information was added in ExtremeXOS 22.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available only on SummitStacks and in VPEX mode.