- Inventory service maintains the large community-list and
route map information in its DB. When you update a device,
diff is computed for these entities. If there is a diff, an
event will be published.
- Inventory service acknowledges the large community-list and
route map events from policy service and update its DB
- Policy service subscribes to the events from inventory
service-related large community-list and route map, and
updates the app-state of these entities. The OOB entries on
the devices are stored in the DB, and marked as
cfg-not-managed . The entities for which
the app state is in cfg-refreshed or
cfg-deleted (managed by XCO but changed
on devices) state, are reconciled when DRC is done.
- To handle attribute level drift, DB maintains a bitmap to
show exactly which attribute has drifted according to DRC
show command output.
- Policy service publishes events when you create, update or
delete community-list and route maps.