Display Threshold Monitor Settings

About this task

Display the threshold monitor settings which are part of the device settings.


Run the following command:
efa inventory device threshold-monitor list --ip device-ips --fabric fabric-name


--ip device-ips
Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. For example:,,
--fabric fabric-name
Specify the name of the fabric.


This example shows the current inventory threshold-monitor settings for the specified device.

efa inventory device threshold-monitor list --ip
|IP      |     Type    | Actions| High | Low  | Count| Interval| Retry| AppState  |
|Address |             |        | Limit| Limit|      |         |      |           |
|10.10   | bfd-session | snmp   | 80   | 50   | 3    | 60      |      |cfg-in-sync|
|.10.75  |             |        |      |      |      |         |      |           |
+        +-------------+--------+------+------+------+---------+------+-----------+
|        | vxlan-tunnel|        | 80   |      | 6    |         |      |cfg-in-sync|
+        +-------------+--------+------+------+------+---------+------+-----------+
|        | lif         | snmp   | 80   | 50   | 3    | 60      |      |cfg-in-sync|
+        +-------------+--------+------+------+------+---------+------+-----------+
|        | mac-table   | snmp   | 80   | 50   | 3    | 60      |      |cfg-in-sync|
+        +-------------+--------+------+------+------+---------+------+-----------+
|        | cpu         | all    | 80   |      |      | 60      | 3    |cfg-in-sync|
+        +-------------+--------+------+------+------+---------+------+-----------+
|        | memory      | raslog | 80   |      |      | 60      | 3    |cfg-in-sync|