Rollback XCO

Initiate a rollback when there is a deployment failure.

About this task

Follow this procedure to rollback a deployment failure.


  1. Unwind the partial installation or undeploy the failed XCO instance.
    no efa deploy
  2. Copy the XCO instance.
    efa deploy
  3. Use system backups available in the /apps/efa_logs/backup/ directory or copy the required backup files to the /apps/efa_logs/backup/ directory.
    $ scp root@ /apps/efa_logs/backup/
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:rQYa5NjeFWtLvCCUzjELs+9jd/6E+hBeEeHIYdFBs2I.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
    root@'s password:
    EFA-3.4.0-GA-2023-08-20T07-08-43.921.tar                                      100%  732KB  18.6MB/s   00:00
  4. Log in to the XCO system as an Extreme user.
  5. Restore the XCO configuration.
    efa system restore -–backup-tar <file_name>
  6. Post XCO rollback, to verify whether there are any devices in the cfg refresh error state, run the following command:
    efa fabric show
    • To remove the devices from the cfg refresh error state, run the following command:
      efa inventory device update --ip <device_ip>