Upgrade TPVM OS for XCO Single-Node Deployment

You can upgrade the TPVM version of an XCO single-node deployment.

About this task

About this task

Follow this procedure to upgrade the TPVM version of an XCO single-node deployment.


  • If the TPVM version is 4.4.0 or above, see TPVM Incremental Upgrade.
  • If the TPVM version is lower than 4.4.0, see Upgrading SLX-OS, TPVM, and XCO Together.
  • When using single-node XCO on TPVM. upgrade of TPVM from 4.5.x to 4.6.x is a full upgrade (Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04). In case of full upgrade, all the data on the TPVM (for example, installed XCO) will be lost.

    For multi-node installation, this procedure does not apply.

However, you can migrate the TPVM from a single-node to multi-node deployment. For more information, see Migrate TPVM Single-Node to Multi-Node.


  1. Back up XCO.

    For more information, see "Back up and Restore the XCO System" in the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator CLI Administration Guide, 3.5.0 .

  2. Copy the backup file to a remote location, such as the /efaboot of the SLX device or SCP on TPVM.


    The TPVM backup process backs up only the database and not the application.

  3. Run the following config command on SLX to undeploy existing TPVM:
    Router# conf t
    Entering configuration mode terminal
    Router(config)# tpvm
    Router(config-tpvm-TPVM)# undeploy-force
  4. Remove the existing TPVM .deb file and copy the TPVM 4.6.0 .deb file to the /tftpboot/SWBD2900 directory.
  5. Run the following slx tpvm config command to deploy the TPVM 4.6.0:
    Router# conf t
    Entering configuration mode terminal
    Router(config)# tpvm
    Router(config-tpvm-TPVM)# deploy
  6. Deploy XCO 3.4.0.
  7. Run the efa system restore command on XCO to restore the backup file taken in the previous release.
  8. Verify whether XCO data is restored on the new TPVM 4.60.