Install Visibility using Interactive Mode

You can install visibility using an interactive mode.

About this task

Follow this procedure to install visibility in interactive mode.


  1. Download the XCO tar file and the related digests file to the Linux server. XCO will be installed to this server using an administrative account.
    admin@server$ ls
    efa-3.4.0-digests.tar.gz  efa-3.4.0.tar.gz
  2. Verify the PGP signature as described in article 48172 on the Extreme Portal.
  3. Extract the XCO tarball to a desired location. Ensure that this location has the permissions to allow your administrative user to run commands.
  4. Change the current directory to the extracted file location, and run the source This starts the XCO installation in a menu driven interactive mode.
    For command line based interactive mode, run the source -g no command.
  5. When prompted, select Single-node deployment and Packet Broker Management.


    Use arrow keys to move between options. Press the space bar to select an option.
    admin@server:~/efa$ source -g no
    Step 1: Checking for EFA Stack...
    Please choose: 1 Single-node deployment 2 Multi-node deployment
    Single-node Deployment
    Please choose: 1 Fabric Automation 2 Packet Broker Management
    Selected application suite: Packet Broker Management
  6. When prompted, select the IP mode (IPv4 single stack, or Dual ip-stack). Then select OK.


    • Use arrow keys to move between options. Press the space bar to select an option.
    • Depending on the IP stack selection, system will prompt you with appropriate IP address input.
  7. When prompted to configure additional management IP networks, take one of the following steps.
    • Select No to ignore this optional step or when you have finished entering sub-interface information.
    • Select Yes and then provide the requested information.
      • Sub-interface name, which is a unique name that contains no more than 11 characters, no white space, and no % or / characters.
      • ID of the VLAN that the management network uses to tag traffic. Valid values range from 2 through 4093.
      • IP subnet address in CIDR format. The subnet must not overlap with any IP subnet that you have already provided.
      • An IPv6 address is optional, but an IPv4 address is mandatory.

    As the installation proceeds, messages display showing the installation progress.

  8. Verify the installation.
    • From the EFA command line on the console or SSH session, run the sudo efactl status command to see the status of nodes, pods, and services.
    • Run the efa status command to ensure that all nodes are up.