Single CLI for HA Ping-target Parameter

Ensure that XCO is connected to a gateway during installation. If the gateway connectivity fails, the installation will fail.

When you use the standard VRRP to obtain a gateway address, the XCO installation fails.

The ping-target parameter in single CLI pings from both the nodes to the ping-target IP addresses. If the ping-target is not reachable from any of the nodes, the installation or upgrade fails.

You can provide a maximum of two IP addresses as input to ping-target. The IP addresses can be IPv4 or IPv6.

If you have installed XCO with ping-target, but you have not given the ping-target argument during upgrade, it will retain old values of ping-target and pings to the old ping-target IP addresses. If you do not want to ping to the old ping-target IP addresses, provide the “clear” option to ping-target to clear the old values and ping the default gateway.

If you have installed XCO without ping-target, it will ping the default-gateway. If you have given the ping-target argument during upgrade, it will ping the new ping-target IP addresses, otherwise it will ping the default-gateway.

Single CLI Commands

The following table provides a list of single CLI command supported on SLX:

With or without sub-interface Commands
Without sub-interface #efa deploy non-interactive multi-node package <packagename> peer-node <ipaddress> vip4 <ip-address> ping-target <clear|<ip address1>,[ip address2]>
With sub-interface efa deploy non-interactive multi-node package <packagename> peer-node <ipaddress> vip4 <ip-address> ping-target <ip address>,[ip address2] management-ip sub-interface-name <sub-intf-name> sub-vlan-id <vlanid> external-subnet <ip-address> external-v6-subnet <virtual ip with ipv6 subnet>
Note: The external-v6-subnet parameter is not mandatory.