Backup Database

You can backup an XCO database after the installation.

About this task

Follow this procedure to backup an XCO database after single-node installation of XCO on Server.


  1. Connect to the TPVM console or SSH session of the redundant IP as an Extreme user.
  2. Log in to EFA using the efa login command
  3. (Optional) Run the efa system settings update command to configure XCO to backup to a remote server
    text extreme@tpvm:~$ efa login Password: Login successful. --- Time Elapsed: 2.412206025s --- (efa:user)@tpvm:~$ efa system settings update --remote-server-ip --remote-transfer-protocol scp --remote-server-username user --remote-server-directory /home/user/ Please supply a password for remote server: Setting Update Successful --- Time Elapsed: 4.723485224s ---
  4. If you have configured a remote server, run the efa system backup --remote command to generate a local backup and copy the resulting tar.gz file to the configured remote device. Otherwise, run the efa system backup command.


    • Running the efa system restore command without any arguments runs in an interactive mode.
    • Backups are stored locally in /var/log/efa/backup/ or /apps/efa_logs/backup/ location.
    • Backup files are date and time stamped in the filename.

    For more information on additional backup options, such as backing up managed device configuration, see ExtremeCloud Orchestrator CLI Administration Guide, 3.5.0 and ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Command Reference, 3.5.0 .


extreme@tpvm:~$ efa login
Login successful.
--- Time Elapsed: 2.412206025s ---
(efa:extreme)extreme@tpvm:~$ efa system backup --remote
Generating backup of EFA...

Backup Location: user@

--- Time Elapsed: 26.700226408s ---