Restore Database

You can restore an XCO database from its backup

About this task

Follow this procedure to restore an XCO database.


You can restore the backup from older EFA or XCO versions on newer versions but the reverse is not supported. For example, backup of EFA 2.7.0 can be restored on XCO 3.2.0 but backup of XCO 3.2.0 cannot be restored on EFA 2.7.0.


  1. Connect to the TPVM console or SSH session as a root user.
  2. Log in to EFA using the efa login command.
  3. (Optional) Transfer the backup from the remote host.
  4. Run the efa system restore command with the required arguments.


    Running the efa system restore command without any arguments will run the command in an interactive mode, and allow you to pick any backup present in the /var/log/efa/backup/ or /apps/efa_logs/backup/ directory.

    For more information, see ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Command Reference, 3.5.0 and ExtremeCloud Orchestrator CLI Administration Guide, 3.5.0 .


The following example shows efa system restore command output from a backup:
user@tpvm:~$ efa login
Login successful.
--- Time Elapsed: 2.019739819s ---
(efa:user)user@tpvm:~$ scp user@remotehost:~/EFA-3.4.0-54-2023-03-28T03-02-13.077.tar ./
user@remotehosts password: 
EFA-3.4.0-54-2023-03-28T03-02-13.077.tar           100%  876KB  28.8MB/s   00:00    
(efa:user)user@tpvm:~$ efa system restore --backup-tar EFA-3.4.0-54-2023-07-28T03-02-13.077.tar 
Performing EFA restore using  EFA-3.4.0-54-2023-07-28T03-02-13.077.tar
Restore operation ID: 4d229051-87db-11ed-8921-5254008962d2
Stopping all EFA services...
All pods are terminated
Restoring databases...
Start services after restore
Restore of encryption keys is completed
Extreme Fabric Automation Stack is now Restored and Ready!
Restore operation is successful
--- Time Elapsed: 6m47.278493209s ---