VXLAN Layer 2 gateway support for bridge domains

An SLX-OS device provides VXLAN Layer 2 gateway support for bridge domains in addition to supporting Layer 2 VLANS. VXLAN gateway support to bridge domains allows a maximum of 4 K bridge domain Virtual Network Interface (VNI) mappings along with a maximum of 4 K VLAN VNI mappings, for a total of 8 K mappings.

Since a bridge domain supports different port and VLAN endpoints, all of its traffic can be extended to a remote node through one VNI.

Also, VXLAN gateway support to bridge domains enables VLAN translation of traffic on both sides of the network. The local VLANs can use different VLAN tags on either side of the network and map to the same VNI.



Only point-to-multipoint bridge domains are supported to extend over VXLAN tunnels. Point-to-point bridge domains are not supported.

You can extend the bridge domain under a site configuration. You can configure the bridge domain to VNI mapping automatically with auto mode where the bridge domain to the VNI is mapped implicitly. For example, VLANs 1 through 4096 are mapped to VNI 1 through 4090, respectively, and the bridge domain 1 is mapped to 4097. You can also configure the bridge domain to a VNI map manually, similarly to that of a VLAN.



The default tagging mode for a bridge domain is raw mode.