Uninstalling vSLX completely

Use this task to completely uninstall a vSLX instance, including your vSLX objects and configurations.



The prompts below follow Installing a vSLX lab on a host. Following Container installation (multiple vSLX labs), log in to the container.
  1. Although this task automatically closes any vSLX VMs, close any other VMs.
  2. Log in to vShell.
    user@ubuntu:~$ vsh
  3. Power off all vSLX devices.
    (vsh) poweroff ch_9540_01
  4. Delete all vSLX devices.
    (vsh) delete chassis ch_9540_01
  5. Delete all vSLX templates.
    (vsh) delete template 9540_templ
  6. Exit vShell.
    (vsh) exit
  7. Uninstall the vSLX distribution.
    user@ubuntu:~$ sudo /VM/uninstall.sh
  8. If needed, delete users that you created.
    user@ubuntu:~$ sudo deluser testuser