Copying the software distribution

Copy the downloaded files from your workstation to the Linux server on which you are installing vSLX, and list them.

  1. On the Linux server, create an SLX distribution directory and change to it.
    user@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /slxos-dist
    user@ubuntu:~$ cd /slxos-dist


    For multiple SLX-OS versions, use a separate directory for each version of SLX-OS.
  2. Use the scp command to copy the compressed distribution files from your workstation to the slxos-dist directory on the Linux server; then list them.


    The file names in this flow are for release 17r.2.00. Substitute the names of the actual files you downloaded in Download vSLX software.
    user@ubuntu:/slxos-dist$ sudo scp user@ .
    user@ubuntu:/slxos-dist$ sudo scp user@ .
    user@ubuntu:/slxos-dist$ ls
    slxos17r.2.00.tar.gz  vslx2.0.0.tar.gz
  3. Unpack the SLX-OS distribution and then display the contents of the slxos-dist directory.
    user@ubuntu:/slxos-dist$ sudo tar -zxf slxos17r.2.00.tar.gz
    user@ubuntu:/slxos-dist$ ls
    slxos17r.2.00  slxos17r.2.00.tar.gz  vslx2.0.0.tar.gz
  4. Display the contents of the release directory (for example, slxos17r.2.00).
    user@ubuntu:/slxos-dist$ ls slxos17r.2.00  
    app_names                        onie-host-installer      SWBD2001
    breeze_tools                     onie-installer           SWBD2002
    breeze_tools.tgz                 onie-installer-files.tgz SWBD2003
    Brocade_SLX_CatenatedMIBs.tar.gz onie-target              SWBD2016
    brocade_slx_proto_models.tar.gz  oss-binaries-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-rootfs.tar.gz  SWBD2017
    common                           platform_names           SWBD2500
    install                          pubkey.pem               SWBD2900
    install_cr                       signature2.tar           SWBD4000
    install_pbr                      signature2.tar.sig       vnos-deinstall
    install_verify                   signature.tar            vnos-install
    libbrcmsdk.a.SWBD2000.tgz        signature.tar.sig        vslx-utils_1.0.0.deb
    libbrcmsdk.a.SWBD2016.tgz        slx17r200_yang.tar.gz
    libbrcmsdk.a.SWBD4000.tgz        SWBD2000
  5. Unpack the vSLX distribution and then display the contents of the slxos-dist directory.
    user@ubuntu:/slxos-dist$ sudo tar -zxf vslx2.0.0.tar.gz
    user@ubuntu:/slxos-dist$ ls
    extreme-lxc_2.0.0.deb  slxos17r.2.00  slxos17r.2.00.tar.gz  vslx2.0.0.tar.gz  vslx_2.0.0.deb