Creating a container for vSLX

(For the xlxc flow only) This task is a prerequisite for installing each container instance of vSLX.

  1. Make sure that you are logged in to the x86 server as a user with sudo privileges.
  2. Enter the xlxc create command to create the container.
    vlab1_user@ubuntu:~$ xlxc create VLAB1
      Using image from local cache
      Unpacking the rootfs
      You just created an Ubuntu xenial amd64 (20180701_07:42) container.
      To enable SSH, run: apt install openssh-server
      No default root or user password are set by LXC.
      Container config is patched
      Container root account is enabled with no password
      Container VLAB1 is created successfully
  3. Enter the xlxc mount command.
    vlab1_user@ubuntu:~$ xlxc mount VLAB1 /slxos-dist /slxos-dist
    Host '/slxos-dist' is mounted on '/slxos-dist' in container 'VLAB1'