Linking across vSLX instances with tunnels

A pair of virtual UDP tunnels connects two vSLX instances—both of which are running vSLX—to form a larger virtual network.

Creating virtual tunnels enables you to emulate larger virtual labs distributed over two or more vSLX instances. These vSLX instances can be on:
  1. On vSLX-instance A, enter the create tunnel tunnel-name peer-ip udp-port command.
    (vsh) create tunnel tu_serv_a_b 1000
  2. On vSLX-instance A, create a link between a virtual device to a "port" of the tunnel you just created.
    (vsh) create link ch_9540_01 0/1 tu_serv_a_b 1/1
  3. On vSLX-instance B, enter the create tunnel tunnel-name peer-ip udp-port command.
    (vsh) create tunnel tu_serv_b_a 1000


    Make sure that you specify the same udp-port as for the vSLX-instance A tunnel.
  4. On vSLX-instance B, create a link between a virtual device to a "port" of the tunnel you just created.
    (vsh) create link ch_9540_101 0/5 tu_serv_b_a 1/1


    Make sure that you specify the same tunnel slot / port as for the vSLX-instance A link.