Configuring LLDP
To configure LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) on a 200-Series switch, follow these steps.
Log on to the switch.
Enter enable to access Privileged EXEC mode.
Enter interface unit/slot/port to access Interface
Config mode – for example, interface 1/0/1.
Using a series of lldp
transmit-tlv commands, define the type length values (TLVs) that
will be transmitted in the LLDP data units (LLDPDUs) from an interface or range
of interfaces.
(Extreme 220)(Interface 1/0/1) #lldp transmit-tlv port-desc
(Extreme 220)(Interface 1/0/1) #lldp transmit-tlv sys-name
(Extreme 220)(Interface 1/0/1) #lldp transmit-tlv sys-desc
(Extreme 220)(Interface 1/0/1) #lldp transmit-tlv sys-cap
In this example, the following
TLVs will be included in each LLDPDU:
- port-desc: port description
- sys-name: system name
- sys-desc: system description
- sys-cap: system capabilities
Issue the command lldp
transmit-mgmt so that local system management address information
will be included in the LLDPDUs.
Issue the command lldp portid-subtype
interface-name so that local system management address information
will be included in the LLDPDUs.
This command causes the switch to send the local port ID (for example,
1/0/1) in the LLDPDU, rather than sending the switch's MAC
address. (The command default, lldp portid-subtype mac-address,
is typically not what you want.)
Issue the command show voice vlan interface
all to verify that output is displayed in the correct format.