Setting the Management IP Address Using the Command-Line
To configure the management IP address on a 200
Series switch using the command-line interface, follow these steps:
Log on to the switch.
In Privileged EXEC mode, enter the command
network protocol none.
The system prompts you for
Changing protocol mode will reset ip configuration.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)
Enter y in response to the prompt.
Define the IPv4 network connectivity by entering the command network
parms ipaddr
- ipaddr is the IP address of the interface.
- netmask is the subnet mask for the interface.
- gateway is the default gateway for the
Define the management VLAN by entering the command network
management_vlan vlan_id.
Where vlan_id is the VLAN identifier – a number between 1
and 4093.
The switch's management IP address is set.