Add an Asset

To add an asset to be tracked by ExtremeLocation Essentials:

  1. Select the icon to load the Asset Management screen.
    The Assets screen displays.
    Click to expand in new window
  2. Select the icon located to the top right of the screen.

    The Add Asset screen loads.

    Click to expand in new window

    For a new asset, provide the following information.


    Enter a name for this asset. Use this field to uniquely identify this asset among similar assets. Asset name cannot be longer than 32 characters.


    Enter a brief description of this asset. The description should be such that you can easily identify this asset among similar assets within your account.


    Use the drop-down list to select the site where this asset is deployed and is to be tracked.

    You must enable asset tracking for each site individually.

    Asset Category

    Use the drop-down list to select the asset category to assign to this asset.

    You must create your asset categories before assigning it to an asset. For more information, see Categories.

    Tracker Details

    Use this field to select the type of tracker that is used for tracking this asset. Select from one of the following types:

    • WIFI - Select this option to indicate that the asset being tracked has a built-in Wi-Fi radio and to indicate to ExtremeLocation Essentials to use that radio's MAC address. When this option is selected, you will be prompted to enter the asset's radio's MAC address in the MAC Address field.
    • Beacon - Select this option to indicate that the asset will be tracked by using a BLE beacon attached to it. You will be prompted to select the beacon from a drop-down list. Those beacons that have been on-boarded using the ExtremeLocation Essentials Beacons App will be listed in this drop-down. This list also displays the third-party beacons that were added to ExtremeLocation Essentials through the Add Asset screen. For more information on how to onboard your beacons, see the ExtremeLocation Essentials Beacon Onboarding Guide. This document can be downloaded from the . For more information on adding your third-party beacons, see Add Third-Party Beacons.
    • None - Use this option to indicate that you are uploading the asset's information as a placeholder before actually deploying it.
    Alarm Settings

    Use this field to select the categories to which the asset is assigned or prohibited. Select from the following:

    • Confined Categories - Use the drop-down list to select the engagement categories to which the asset is confined. If the asset is no longer in that category, an alarm is generated.
    • Prohibited Categories - Use the drop-down list to select the engagement categories in which the asset is not allowed to be included. This list will display only those engagement categories that are assigned to the site selected in the Site field of this screen.
    For more information on assigning engagement categories to a site, see Categories.
  3. Select the Save button to save the new asset.

    At any point of time, select the Cancel button to exit without adding this asset.