Device View

The Device screen is the default view of all floors within any site managed by your ExtremeLocation Essentials account. When you select a site that you manage, this screen displays for the default floor for that site.

The Device screen displays all visitors devices seen on a floor on the floor map. Use this screen and its controls to filter and view the different client types (Visitors/Staff, Assets, and BSS) for a floor in a site within your ExtremeLocation Essentials managed network.



If a client's data is deleted in ExtremeCloud IQ, all configured, cached, Live, and Historical data related to that client is also deleted from ExtremeLocation Essentials.


If Reset VIQ is selected in ExtremeCloud IQ, all configured data for locations, devices, and clients is cleared from ExtremeLocation Essentials. In addition, all cached, Live, and Historical data related to that VIQ is cleared from ExtremeLocation Essentials.
Click to expand in new window
devices view

To view device details for a floor:

  1. Select Sites from the main menu.
    The Sites screen displays.
    Click to expand in new window
    Sites Screen
    sites screen
  2. Select your local site from the Map.
    The site's information is displayed.
    Click to expand in new window
    Site Information Dialog
  3. Select the Floors link to display the Floor View.
  4. Use the Visitor/Staff drop-down list located to the top right of the screen to switch between viewing different kinds of client devices.

    The following device types can be viewed:

    • Visitors/Staff - Use this option to filter to devices that are classified as Staff and Visitors.

    • Assets - Use this option to filter to devices classified as Assets. These devices are those that your company might want to track.

    • BSS Devices - These devices, within your monitored environment, broadcast BSS (Basic Service Set) identifiers that indicate that they offer Wi-Fi connection to any device that may want to connect to it. BSSs with a managed environment can be authorized or unauthorized. Unauthorized BSSs are a security risk for the environment they are found in and need to be monitored for and the devices tracked.

    Refer to topic Common Tools for information on the other tools available for use in the Sites screens.

    The screen immediately refreshes to display the selected device type.

  5. From the Device Preferences area of the screen, select one of Current or Historical options. Use these options to select the time duration for which you want to view the devices for.
    Click to expand in new window

    When you select Current, the screen displays all devices of the type selected in the Device Type field. This screen refreshes periodically.

    When you select Historical, the screen expands to display a few more fields that you can use to select a particular period of time for which you want to view the devices for.

    Click to expand in new window

    If you want to filter to a particular device, you can use the Search by field to do so. You can search for a device using its MAC address or its name.

  6. Use the Device Classification toolbar at the right of the map view to select the device types to display.

    This toolbar changes when you change the device type selected in the Device Type control.

    For example, the following toolbar displays when you select Employee/Visitor.
    Click to expand in new window

    By default, the Floors view displays all the devices classified as Employee/Visitor that are seen on the floor.

    The Device Classification toolbar enables you to quickly filter to the devices category you are interested in. The category labels are based on the Industry vertical that you have configured in ExtremeCloud IQ . For more information about Device Classifications, see Device Classification Settings.

    The screen refreshes to display the data for the selected device classification.

    Device View displays Associates and Visitors labels for the Retail vertical. Filter the display for Associates only, Visitors only, or show All devices.

    Click to expand in new window
    Client Retail View - All Devices Displayed
    When you choose Assets from the Device Type drop-down list, the screen refreshes to display the tracked assets.
    Click to expand in new window
    Hover over an Asset device icon on the site map to display the Hostname or Asset Name and Username details.

    When you choose BSS, the screen refreshes to display only those devices that broadcast themselves as capable of creating a hotspot within your network.

    Click to expand in new window
  7. Select Current from the user interface and provide the MAC address of the device of interest in the text box. You can also search for multiple devices using their MAC address. Keep adding the devices to this list. Select Apply to fetch the data for the device.
    The screen refreshes to display data for the selected MAC address or addresses, with the specified device marked on the floor map.


    If the system cannot triangulate a device within 60-120 seconds, then the last known position of the device can display on the map using the past 48 hours of locate data. The time of the last known position displays when you hover over the device.
    Click to expand in new window
    Locate Device Using MAC Address
    At any time, select Clear to clear the search results.
  8. Select Historical from the user interface to display historical data for a device. Once done, select Apply to fetch the data for the device.

    Provide the following additional parameters:

    Use the calendar control to select the date to fetch the data for.
    Time From
    Use the drop-down list to select the hour from which data should be fetched for the date specified in Date field. You can edit the minutes for this field by typing the value.
    Time Till
    Use the drop-down list to select the hour till which data should be fetched for the date specified in Date field. You can edit the minutes for this field by typing the value.
    MAC Address
    Enter the MAC Address of the device of interest.
    The screen refreshes to display data for the selected MAC address, with the specified device marked on the floor map. You can also view historical data for multiple devices using their MAC addresses.
    Click to expand in new window
    Historical Device Data Using MAC Address
    At any time, select Clear to clear the search results.