Click the widget to select it. You can select multiple widgets to add to the dashboard at a time.
A green check mark appears on the top right of the selected widget.
A Selected and an Unselected Widget
Each ExtremeLocation Essentials dashboard can contain a maximum of 12 widgets and these widgets can be from different widget categories.
Select Next located to the top right, above the New Dashboard screen.
The following screen displays:
New Dashboard screen - Widget Placement and Sizing
To remove a widget already placed on the dashboard, use the icon located to the top right of each widget. Selecting this icon immediately removes the widget from the dashboard.
Use the buttons to rearrange or re-size the selected widgets on the new dashboard.
To rearrange the widgets, select the icon. This is the default selection. Select a widget and drag it to the desired location on the dashboard. The other widgets on the dashboard are automatically rearranged to accommodate the moved or re-sized widget. To re-size a widget, select the icon. A small triangle appears in the bottom right of each widget. Click and drag this triangle to re-size the widget.
Select Save to save the final dashboard layout.
At any time use Back to navigate to the previous screen. Similarly, use Cancel to exit without creating the dashboard.
A small window appears.
Name the New Dashboard
Provide a name for this dashboard and select Save.
The dashboard is saved and displays the configured data.