Asset Management


For ExtremeLocation Essentials, an asset is a physical device or item that you want to track. It could be a device that is critical in nature, or a device that is mobile and expensive to replace if lost.


If client data is deleted in ExtremeCloud IQ, all configured, cached, Live, and Historical data related to that client is also deleted from ExtremeLocation Essentials.


If Reset VIQ is selected in ExtremeCloud IQ, all configured data for locations, devices, and clients is cleared from ExtremeLocation Essentials. In addition, all cached, Live, and Historical data related to that VIQ is cleared from ExtremeLocation Essentials.

ExtremeLocation Essentials enables you to track such critical or costly assets within your sites using BLE beacons or by using the device Wi-Fi radio. Using the Asset Tracking and Management feature, you can locate a tracked asset within your site. This reduces the time that you spend searching for and locating it. This feature also has the ability to raise alarms if your tracked asset moves out of its designated area or enters a prohibited area. It can also raise an alarm if the asset that you track is not seen within your site for a configured period of time, and notifies you of possible theft of that tracked asset.

When using a BLE beacon to track an asset, you must onboard the BLE beacon, map the beacon to the asset entry, and then physically attach that BLE beacon to the asset that needs to be tracked. ExtremeLocation Essentials then maps the tracked BLE beacon, indicating the asset on the floor map of the site.

If your asset has built-in Wi-Fi radio, you can configure ExtremeLocation Essentials to track the MAC address of the asset radio. ExtremeLocation Essentials can map the tracked asset on the floor map of the site.


Asset entities are not considered in Historical View or analytics. Because Assets remain in the customer location, the Dwell Time widgets do not apply to Assets.

Assets are managed from the Asset Management screen. Use the icon to launch the Asset Management screen.

Click to expand in new window

The Assets screen displays the following information on each asset tracked for this ExtremeLocation Essentials account.

Asset NameDisplays the name of the asset being tracked.
DescriptionDisplays additional information about the asset being tracked.
SiteDisplays the name of the site where this asset is deployed or used.
Asset CategoryDisplays the name of the category assigned to this asset being tracked. Asset categories are used to combine similar assets as a group for ease of tracking and management.
Tracker TypeThis field indicates the method used to track this asset. Assets can be tracked by:
  • Wi-Fi - This method uses the asset Wi-Fi radio to track it.
  • BLE - This method uses a BLE beacon attached to the asset to track it.
Tracker Name IDThis field displays the unique ID assigned to the asset tracking device. For an asset with a Wi-Fi radio, the radio MAC address is displayed. For an attached BLE beacon, the beacon serial number is used.
Active AlarmThis field displays true if the asset has an active alarm. If the asset has not raised any alarms in the immediate past, this field displays false. At the expiry of the time specified in the Asset Alarm Timeout setting is exceeded, the alarm is automatically cleared from the Asset Management > Alarms screen.
ActionsUse the icons in this column to perform specific actions on the selected asset. You can edit the asset information or remove it.

Periodically use the icon to refresh this screen manually.

Use the icon to download the assets listed in this screen as a .csv file.


The Alarms screen displays a list of all alarms raised by the tracked device monitored by ExtremeLocation Essentials. Use this screen to take appropriate actions to safeguard your assets.

Select the Alarms item from the menu on the left. The Alarms screen displays.

Click to expand in new window

For more information on the Alarms screen and its contents, see the topic Alarms Configuration.