show ipv6 interface

Show IPv6 information for all or specific interfaces.


Command Parameters

gigabitEthernet {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}
Displays IPv6 interface information for gigabitEthernet. {slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/subport]][,...]} identifies the slot and port in one of the following formats: a single slot and port (slot/port), a range of slots and ports (slot/port-slot/port), or a series of slots and ports (slot/port,slot/port,slot/port). If your platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.
icmpstatistics [gigabitEthernet | mgmtEthernet | tunnel | vlan]
Shows IPv6 ICMP statistics for the interface as follows: gigabitEthernetdisplays interface gigabitEthernet configurations, mgmtEthernet-displays interface mgmtEthernet configurations, tunnel-displays interface tunnel configurations, vlan -displays vlan interface configurations.
loopback <1-256>
Displays the interface loopback configurations.
loopback <1-256>
Identifies a loopback interface.
mgmtEthernet mgmt
Displays IPv6 interface information for the management port.
statistics [gigabitEthernet | mgmtEthernet | tunnel | vlan]
Shows IPv6 interface statistics as follows: gigabitEthernet- displays interface gigabitEthernet configurations, mgmtEthernet-displays interface mgmtEthernet configurations, tunnel- displays interface tunnel configurations, vlan -displays vlan interface configurations.
tunnel <1-2000>
Displays IPv6 interface information for a tunnel. The tunnel ID is expressed as a value from 1 to 2000.
vlan <1-4059>
Displays IPv6 interface information for a VLAN. Specifies the VLAN ID in the range of 1 to 4059. By default, VLAN IDs 1 to 4059 are configurable and the system reserves VLAN IDs 4060 to 4094 for internal use. If you enable VRF scaling and SPBM mode, the system also reserves VLAN IDs 3500 to 3998. VLAN ID 1 is the default VLAN and you cannot create or delete VLAN ID 1.
vrf WORD<1-16>
Specifies a VRF name. The VRF parameter is optional.
vrfids WORD<0-512>
Specifies a VRF by ID. The VRF parameter is optional.



Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The mgmtethernet and mgmtethernet mgmt parameters only applies to VSP 8600 Series.