API Request Components

To construct a REST API request, combine the following components:

Component Description
The HTTP method
  • GET: Return data from the server
  • DELETE: Delete a resource from the server
  • POST: Create a new resource or update an existing resource on the server
  • PUT: Create or update a resource on the server
Note: The WiNG REST API implements the POST and PUT methods in the same manner.
The base URL of the API http(s)://WiNG_host_name_or_IP_address/rest
The URI to the resource The resource to create, update, query, or delete. For example, /v1/stats/wireless/clients.
Path parameters These variables are part of the full URL path and point to a specific resource within a collection. For example, /v1/cfg/wlan/{test}, where {test} is the path parameter and points to the specific WLAN{test}within the cfg resource. Substitute the path parameters with your actual values when you construct your API request.
HTTP request headers The following HTTP headers are supported:
  • Accept: Required for operations with a response body, syntax is Accept: application/json.
  • Content-Type: Required for operations with a request body, syntax is Content-Type: application/json.
  • Authorization: Required to get an access token or make API calls.
JSON request body Required for most POST and PUT requests.
When you POST or PUT data to the REST API server, set the Content-Type header to application/json. It can also be useful to set the following request headers:
  • accept: application/json
  • accept-encoding: gzip,deflate,br
  • accept-language: en-US,en:q=0.8,und;q=0.6