Get Troubleshooting Information for Technical Support

To retrieve extensive system information useful to technical support for troubleshooting a problem:
  1. Log in to the REST API server using valid management user credentials.


    You must forward the auth_token as a cookie with each API call.
  2. Use the POST method to access the /act/copy-techsupport/ URI and copy the system information.

    Sample Requests with Different Possible Input Parameters

    curl -X POST --cookie auth_token=$cookie 

    curl -X POST --cookie auth_token=$cookie 


    The SFTP protocol is not supported for this request.
    Click to expand in new window

    Request Body Parameters

    Parameter Description Required/Optional Data Type
    hosts Name of the hosts separated by comma, for which techsupport dump needs to be initiated Optional String Array
    rf-domain Name of the rf_domain for which the techsupport dump needs to be initiated Optional String
    Floor Name of the floor belonging to an rf_domain Optional. String
    Area Name of the area belonging to an rf_domain Optional String
    url URL Required String
    session_name Name to identify this session Optional String

    Sample Response (200 OK)

    "data": {        
      "status": true,        
      "message": "success"    
    "return_code": 0
    Click to expand in new window

    Response Definitions

    Response Item Description Data Type
    return_code A flag indicating success or failure of the operation Boolean
    data Data returned by the API server String
    errors List of errors, if any String