Time to Obtain IP Address (Wireless)NEW!

Mouse over a point in the Time To Obtain IP Address graph to see a summary of the following information:

Click to expand in new window
Time To Obtain IP Address
Time To Obtain IP Address graph

To open the Time To Obtain IP Address panel and see more details, select a point on the graph.

Click to expand in new window
Time To Obtain IP Address Panel
Time To Obtain IP Address panel

To zoom in, drag and select a time period. To zoom back out, select Reset zoom. To return to the Default View, select the back arrow.

Mouse over a point on the graph to see the following information:

For more information, select a point on the graph for which there are clients above the association threshold. The table updates to show the affected unique clients. To open the connection details panel, select the link from the HOST NAME or the MAC column.

Click to expand in new window
Connection Details Panel
Connection Details panel