
The Anomalies tab uses the following interactive widgets and a table to display information about anomalies:

To hide the widgets and display a streamlined view of Anomalies by Severity, select Up arrow. To display the widgets again, select Down arrow.

Anomalies by Severity, streamlined.

Use the controls found at the top of the page to customize your view of the widgets and the table:

Display all sites (default) or select a specific site from the menu. You can search the menu for a site.
Display all severity levels (default) or select a severity level from the menu.
Anomaly Type
Display all anomaly types (default) or select a specify type of anomaly from the menu.
Select to specify whether to display anomalies for the past 24 hours (default), or the past 7 days.
Exclude Muted
Select the toggle to hide or display previously muted anomalies.
Select Trends to display a graph that shows anomalies for all sites and severities for the past 90 days. View all anomalies (default) or select a specific Anomaly Type from the menu. You can drag along the graph to zoom in on a time period, and then select Reset Zoom to zoom back out.

Anomaly Trends graph showing the drag to zoom feature

Anomaly Trends zoomed in view.
Select to refresh the display.