Configuring the Routing Protocols and VLANs
After a user VR is created, the ports are added, and support for any required routing
protocols is added, you can configure the VR.
To create a VLAN (Virtual LAN) in a VR, use
the command:
create vlan
vlan_name {description
vlan-description} {vr
If you do not specify a VR in the create vlan
command, the VLAN is created in the current VR context.
VLAN names must conform to the guidelines
specified in
Object Names.

All VLAN names and VLAN IDs on a switch must be
unique, regardless of the VR in which they are created. You cannot have two VLANs with
the same name, even if they are in different VRs.
To display the VLANs in a specific VR, use the
show vlan virtual-router
vr-name, which is a specific form of this command:
show vlan
You can also configure routing protocols by using the standard ExtremeXOS software
commands. The routing configurations of the different VRs are independent of each