Creating Management Accounts
An account can be disabled or enabled locally
using read/write access. Even all administrative privileged accounts and user privileged
accounts can be disabled. Lawful-Intercept account will be disabled under user privileged
option. When all administrative accounts will be disabled locally, a warning will be shown to
use failsafe account, if necessary.
Log in to the switch as admin.
At the password prompt, press [Enter], or enter the password that you
have configured for the admin account.
Run the create account [admin | user | lawful-intercept] account-name {encrypted
encrypted_password | password} command to
add a new user.
If you do not specify a password or the keyword
encrypted, you are prompted for one.
Passwords are case-sensitive.

Using the
encrypted option incorrectly can result in being locked out of your
switch account. For more information about the
encrypted option, see
create account.
If you do not want a password associated with the
specified account, press [Enter]
User-created account names are not
Viewing Accounts
You can view all accounts. To view the accounts
that have been created, you must have administrator privileges. Run the show
accounts command.
Deleting an Account
You can remove accounts that should no longer
exist, but you must have administrator privileges. To delete an account, run the
delete account command.