configure forwarding suppression filters

configure forwarding iparp suppression filters [per-port |per-vlan]


This command controls the way the hardware filters are installed for VXLAN ARP suppression.

Syntax Description

iparp Selects IP ARP.
suppression ARP suppression. Requests may be proxied.
filters Control the way ARP suppression hardware filters are installed.
per-port Install ARP suppression hardware filters on a per-port basis (default).
per-vlan Install ARP suppression hardware filters on a per-VLAN basis.


By default, per-port option is assumed.


The following example sets IP ARP suppression filtering per-VLAN:

configure forwarding iparp suppression filters per-vlan


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 22.3.

Platform Availability

This command is supported on the Summit X770, X670-G2, and ExtremeSwiching X870, X690 series switches, and stacks with X770, X670-G2, X690, and X870 slots only.