configure igmp

configure igmp query_interval query_response_interval last_member_query_interval {{vlan} vlan_name} {{vr} vr_name} {robustness}


Configures the IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) timers.

Syntax Description

query_interval Specifies the interval (in seconds) between general queries.
query_response_interval Specifies the maximum query response time (in seconds).
last_member_query_interval Specifies the maximum group-specific query response time (in seconds).
vlan_name Applies the configuration only to the specified VLAN (Virtual LAN). If no VLAN is specified, the configuration applies to all VLANs.
vr_name Specifies the VR to which the configuration should be applied. If no parameter is specified, the configuration is applied to the current VR context.
robustness Specifies the degree of robustness for the network.


  • query interval—125 seconds
  • query response interval—10 seconds
  • last member query interval—1 second
  • robustness—2

Usage Guidelines

Timers are based on RFC2236. Specify the following:

  • query interval—The amount of time, in seconds, the system waits between sending out general queries. The range is 1 to 429,496,729 seconds.
  • query response interval—The maximum response time inserted into the periodic general queries. The range is 1 to 25 seconds.
  • last member query interval—The maximum response time inserted into a group-specific query sent in response to a leave group message. The range is 1 to 25 seconds.
  • robustness—The degree of robustness of the network. The range is 2 to 7. This parameter allows tuning for the expected packet loss on a link. If a link is expected to have packet loss, this parameter can be increased.
  • The group timeout is defined by the formula: group_timeout = (query_interval x robustness) + query_response_interval, according to RFC 2236. You can explicitly define the host timeout using the configure igmp snooping timer router_timeout host_timeout {vr vrname} command. The effective host_timeout is the lesser value of the group_timeout and the configured host_timeout.


The following command configures the IGMP timers:

configure igmp 100 5 1 3


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on platforms that support the appropriate license. For complete information about software licensing, including how to obtain and upgrade your license and which licenses support the IPv4 multicast feature, see the ExtremeXOS 22.5 Feature License Requirements document.