enable ospf export

enable ospf export [bgp | direct | e-bgp | i-bgp | rip | static | isis | isis-level-1 | isis-level-1-external | isis-level-2 | isis-level-2-external | host-mobility] [cost cost type [ase-type-1 | ase-type-2] {tag number} | policy-map]


Enables redistribution of routes to OSPF (Open Shortest Path First).

Syntax Description

bgp Specifies BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) routes.
direct Specifies direct routes.
e-bgp Specifies E-BGP routes.
i-bgp Specifies I-BGP routes.
rip Specifies RIP (Routing Information Protocol) routes.
static Specifies static routes.
isis Specifies IS-IS routes.
isis-level-1 Specifies ISIS Level 1 routes.
isis-level-1-external Specifies ISIS Level 1 External routes.
isis-level-2 Specifies ISIS Level 2 routes.
isis-level-2-external Specifies ISIS Level 2 External routes.
host-mobility Specifies host-mobility routes.
cost Specifies a cost metric.
ase-type-1 Specifies AS-external type 1 routes.
ase-type-2 Specifies AS-external type 2 routes.
number Specifies a tag value.
policy-map Specifies a policy.


The default tag number is 0. The default setting is disabled.

Usage Guidelines

After OSPF export is enabled, the OSPF router is considered to be an ASBR. Interface routes that correspond to the interface that has OSPF enabled are ignored.

The cost metric is inserted for all BGP, IS-IS, RIP-learned, static, and direct routes injected into OSPF. If the cost metric is set to 0, the cost is inserted from the route. The tag value is used only by special routing applications. Use 0 if you do not have specific requirements for using a tag. The tag value in this instance has no relationship with 802.1Q VLAN (Virtual LAN) tagging.

The same cost, type, and tag values can be inserted for all the export routes, or a policy can be used for selective insertion. When a policy is associated with the export command, the policy is applied on every exported route. The exported routes can also be filtered using a policy.


The following command enables OSPF to export BGP-related routes using LSAs to other OSPF routers:

enable ospf export bgp cost 1 ase-type-1 tag 0


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on platforms with an Advanced Edge or Core license as described in the ExtremeXOS 22.5 Feature License Requirements document.