download bootrom

download bootrom [[ipaddress | hostname] filename {{vr} vrname} {block-size block_size} | memorycard filename] {slot slotid}

On a SummitStacks, this command downloads a BootROM image to a node in the stack.


Downloads a BootROM image after the Summit family switch has booted.

The downloaded image replaces the BootROM in the onboard FLASH memory.

Syntax Description


Specifies the IP address of the TFTP server.


Specifies the hostname of the TFTP server.


Specifies the name of the virtual router.

NOTE: User-created VRs are supported only on the platforms listed for this feature in the ExtremeXOS 22.5 Feature License Requirements document.

block_size Specifies the data block size, excluding TFTP header. Data block size ranges from 24-65000 bytes.


Specifies that the BootROM image should be obtained from a removable storage device, which can be a USB 2.0 storage device.


Specifies the name of the file that contains the BootROM image.


This parameter is available only on the SummitStack.

In a SummitStack, the slotid specifies the slot number of the node.

On a SummitStack, the slotid specifies the node to which the image should be downloaded.


The default block size is 1400 bytes.

Usage Guidelines

Upgrade the BootROM image only when asked to do so by an Extreme Networks technical representative.

Prior to downloading the BootROM image on the switch, you must download the image you received from Extreme Networks to a TFTP server on your network. If present on your switch, you can also download the image to a compact flash card or USB 2.0 storage device.

Specify the ipaddress or hostname parameters to download a BootROM image from a TFTP server on the network.

The BootROM image file is a .xtr file, and this file contains the executable code.

If this command does not complete successfully it could prevent the switch from booting. In the event the switch does not boot properly, some boot option functions can be accessed through a special Bootloader menu.

Use of the hostname parameter requires that DNS be enabled.

Displaying the BootROM Versions

To display the BootROM version for the switch, use the show version command.

Host Name and Remote IP Address Character Restrictions

This section provides information about the characters supported by the switch for host names and remote IP addresses.

When specifying a host name or remote IP address, the switch permits only the following characters:
  • Alphabetical letters, upper case and lower case (A-Z, a-z)
  • Numerals (0-9)
  • Period ( . )
  • Dash ( - ) Permitted only for host names
  • Underscore ( _ ) Permitted only for host names
  • Colon ( : )

When naming or configuring an IP address for your network server, remember the requirements listed above.

Local and Remote Filename Character Restrictions

This section provides information about the characters supported by the switch for local and remote filenames.

When specifying a local or remote filename, the switch permits only the following characters:
  • Alphabetical letters, upper case and lower case (A-Z, a-z)
  • Numerals (0-9)
  • Period ( . )
  • Dash ( - )
  • Underscore ( _ )
  • Slash ( / ) Permitted only for remote files

When naming a local or remote file, remember the requirements listed above.

SummitStack Only

You can issue this command only from the Master node. When provided, the file to be downloaded has to be compatible with the type of Summit in the specified slot if the user confirms that the image is to be installed.

If no slot number is provided and the user confirms installation in the case of download, an attempt is made to install the bootrom image on all active nodes. The bootrom image will not be installed on any node if the bootrom image specified is not compatible with all active nodes.


The following example downloads a bootROM image from the TFT[ server "tftphost" with the filename "bootimage":

download bootrom tftphost bootimage


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.0.

The slot parameter was added to support SummitStack in ExtremeXOS 12.0.

Support for USB 2.0 storage devices was added in ExtremeXOS 12.5.3.

Block size support was added in ExtremeXOS 15.7.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available only on Summit family switches.