configure flow-redirect nexthop

configure flow-redirect flow_redirect_name nexthop ip_address ping health-check interval seconds miss number


Configures the ping interval and miss count for a nexthop in the flow redirection policy.

Syntax Description

flow_redirect_name Specifies the name of the flow redirection policy.
ip_address Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the nexthop.
seconds Specifies the number of seconds between pings. The default is “2”.
number Specifies the number of misses allowed. The default is “2”.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set a ping interval and miss count. When the ping response is not received within the interval seconds * (number +1), the nexthop is considered to be dead and a new candidate is selected from the remaining active nexthops.


The following command configures a ping interval of 3 and miss count of 3 for the nexthop in the flow redirection policy flow 3:

configure flow-redirect flow3 nexthop ping interval 3 miss 3


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.1.

Support for IPv6 flow-redirection policies was added in ExtremeXOS 12.7.

Platform Availability

This command is available for IPv4 and IPv6 flow-redirection policies on the platforms listed for the Policy Based Routing feature in the ExtremeXOS 22.5 Feature License Requirements document.