install bootrom

install bootrom fname {reboot}

On a SummitStack use:

install bootrom fname {reboot} {slot slotid}


Installs a new version of the ExtremeXOS BootROM image.

Syntax Description

fname Specifies the BootROM image file.
reboot Reboots the switch after the image is installed.
slotid This parameter is available only on the SummitStack. On a SummitStack, the slotid specifies the node on which the BootROM image should be installed.



Usage Guidelines

When you download a BootROM image, the system asks if you want to install the image immediately after the download is finished. If you choose to install the image at a later time, use this command to install the software on the switch.

The BootROM image file is an .xbr file, and this file contains the executable code.

Displaying the BootROM Versions

To display the BootROM version for the switch, use the show version command.

Local Filename Character Restrictions

This section provides information about the characters supported by the switch for local and remote filenames.

When specifying a local or remote filename, the switch permits only the following characters:

  • Alphabetical letters, upper case and lower case (A-Z, a-z)
  • Numerals (0-9)
  • Period ( . )
  • Dash ( - )
  • Underscore ( _ )

When naming a local file, remember the requirements listed above.

SummitStack Only

You can issue this command only from the Master node.


The following example installs the bootrom image file summitX-

install bootrom summitX-

The following messages appear:

Installing bootrom...
Writing bootrom...
Verifying Flash contents...
bootrom written.
Bootrom installed successfully


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.0.

From ExtremeXOS 12.0, this command is supported on a stack. The slot parameter is added. The slot parameter is applicable only when the switch is in a stack.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the Summit X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2, X770, and ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X620, X690, X870 series switches.

and stacks.