show eaps

show eaps {eapsDomain} {detail}


Displays EAPS (Extreme Automatic Protection Switching) status information.

Syntax Description

eapsDomain Specifies the name of an EAPS domain.
detail Specifies all available detail for each domain.



Usage Guidelines

If you enter the show eaps command without a keyword, the command displays less than with the detail keyword.

Use the optional eapsDomain parameter to display status information for a specific EAPS domain.

Some state values are different on a transit node than on a master node.

When you enter the show eaps command without a domain name, the switch displays the following fields:

EAPS Enabled:

Current state of EAPS on this switch:

Yes—EAPS is enabled on the switch.No—EAPS is not enabled.

EAPS Fast Convergence:

Displays only when Fast Convergence is on.

EAPS Display Config Warnings:

Displays the setting for loop protection messages:

On—Loop protection messages are displayed (this is the default behavior).Off—Loop protection messages are not displayed.

EAPS Multicast Add Ring Ports:

Displays the configuration of the multicast add-ring-ports feature as configured with the configure eaps multicast add-ring-ports command.

EAPS Multicast Send IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) Query:

Displays the configuration of the multicast send-igmp-query feature as configured with the configure eaps multicast send-igmp-query command.

EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding:

Displays the configuration of the multicast temporary-flooding feature as configured with the configure eaps multicast temporary-flooding command.

EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding Duration:

Displays the duration configuration for the multicast temporary-flooding feature as configured with the configure eaps multicast temporary-flooding duration command.

Number of EAPS instances:

Number of EAPS domains created. The maximum number of EAPS domains per switch is 128.


Entries in this column identify the name of an EAPS domain.


On a transit node, the command displays one of the following states:

Idle—The EAPS domain has been enabled, but the configuration is not complete.Links-Up—This EAPS domain is running, and both its ports are up and in the FORWARDING state.Links-Down—This EAPS domain is running, but one or both of its ports are down.Preforwarding—This EAPS domain is running, and both of its ports are up, but one of them is in a temporary BLOCKED state.

On a master node, the command displays one of the following states:

Idle—The EAPS domain has been enabled, but the configuration is not complete.Init—The EAPS domain has started but has not yet determined the status of the ring. The secondary port is in a BLOCKED state.Complete—The ring is in the COMPLETE state for this EAPS domain.Failed—There is a break in the ring for this EAPS domain.Pre-Init—The EAPS domain has started operation for Init state and has sent a request to lower hardware layers to block the secondary port. It is in transient state waiting for acknowledgement from hardware layer indicating the operation is completed.Pre-Complete—The EAPS domain has started operation for Complete state and has sent a request to lower hardware layers to block the secondary port. It is in transient state waiting for acknowledgement from the hardware layer indicating the operation is completed.[Failtimer Expired]—When the failtimer expires and it‘s action is set to send-alert, this flag is set. This flag indicates there is a misconfiguration or hardware problem in the EAPS ring. The EAPS master node continues to remain in COMPLETE or INIT state with it‘s secondary port blocking.


The configured EAPS mode for this switch: transit (T) or master (M).

Primary/Secondary port:

The port numbers assigned as the EAPS primary and secondary ports. On the master node, the port distinction indicates which port is blocked to avoid a loop.


The EAPS domain priority, which is H for high priority or N for normal priority.

When you enter the show eaps command with a domain name or the detail keyword, the switch displays the following fields:


Identifies the EAPS domain displayed.


The EAPS domain priority, which is either High or Normal.


On a transit node, the command displays one of the following states:

Idle—The EAPS domain has been enabled, but the configuration is not complete.Links-Up—This EAPS domain is running, and both its ports are up and in the FORWARDING state.Links-Down—This EAPS domain is running, but one or both of its ports are down.Preforwarding—This EAPS domain is running, and both of its ports are up, but one of them is in a temporary BLOCKED state.

On a master node, the command displays one of the following states:

Idle—The EAPS domain has been enabled, but the configuration is not complete.Init—The EAPS domain has started but has not yet determined the status of the ring. The secondary port is in a BLOCKED state. Complete—The ring is in the COMPLETE state for this EAPS domain.Failed—There is a break in the ring for this EAPS domain. Pre-Init—The EAPS domain has started operation for Init state and has sent a request to lower hardware layers to block the secondary port. It is in transient state waiting for acknowledgement from hardware layer indicating the operation is completed. Pre-Complete—The EAPS domain has started operation for Complete state and has sent a request to lower hardware layers to block the secondary port. It is in transient state waiting for acknowledgement from the hardware layer indicating the operation is completed. [Failtimer Expired]—When the failtimer expires and it‘s action is set to send-alert, this flag is set. This flag indicates there is a misconfiguration or hardware problem in the EAPS ring. The EAPS master node continues to remain in COMPLETE or INIT state with it‘s secondary port blocking.

[Running: …]

Yes—This EAPS domain is running. No—This EAPS domain is not running.


Indicates whether EAPS is enabled on this domain.

Y—EAPS is enabled on this domain. N—EAPS is not enabled.


The configured EAPS mode for this switch: transit (T) or master (M).

Primary/Secondary port:

The port numbers assigned as the EAPS primary and secondary ports. On the master node, the port distinction indicates which port is blocked to avoid a loop.

Port status:

Unknown—This EAPS domain is not running, so the port status has not yet been determined. Up—The port is up and is forwarding data.Down—The port is down.Blocked—The port is up, but data is blocked from being forwarded.


Tagged status of the control VLAN (Virtual LAN):

Tagged—The control VLAN has this port assigned to it, and the port is tagged in the VLAN.Untagged—The control VLAN has this port assigned to it, but the port is untagged in the control VLAN.Undetermined—Either a VLAN has not been added as the control VLAN to this EAPS domain or this port has not been added to the control VLAN.

Hello timer interval:

The configured value of the timer in seconds and milliseconds, specifying the time that the master node waits between transmissions of health check packets.

Fail timer interval:

The configured value of the timer in seconds, specifying the time that the master node waits before the failtimer expires.

Failtimer expiry action:

Displays the action taken when the failtimer expires:

Send-alert—Sends a critical message to the syslog when the failtimer expires.Open-secondary-port—Opens the secondary port when the failtimer expires.

Displays only for master nodes.

Preforwarding Timer interval:

The configured value of the timer. This value is set internally by the EAPS software. The set value is 15 seconds.

Note: If two links in an EAPS domain go down at the same time and one link comes back up, it takes 15 seconds for the reconnected link to start receiving traffic again.

Displays only for transit nodes.

Last valid EAPS update:

Indicates the last time a hello packet was received.

EAPS Domain Controller Vlan:

Lists the assigned name and ID of the control VLAN.

EAPS Domain Protected Vlan(s):

Lists the assigned names and VLAN IDs of all the protected VLANs configured on this EAPS domain.

Number of Protected Vlans:

The count of protected VLANs configured on this EAPS domain.


The following command displays information for all EAPS domains:

Switch.5 # show eaps
EAPS Enabled: Yes
EAPS Fast-Convergence: Off
EAPS Display Config Warnings: On
EAPS Multicast Add Ring Ports: Off
EAPS Multicast Send IGMP Query: On
EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding: Off
EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding Duration: 15 sec
Number of EAPS instances: 2
# EAPS domain configuration :
Domain         State           Mo  En  Pri   Sec   Control-Vlan VID   Count Prio
d1             Idle            T   N   1     2     cv1          (101 ) 0     H
d2             Links-Up        T   Y   3:8   3:16  c2           (1001) 100   H

The following command displays information for EAPS domain d1:

Switch.7 # show eaps d1
Name: d1           Priority: High
State: Idle        Running: No
Enabled: No        Mode: Transit
Primary port:   1             Port status: Unknown    Tag status: Undetermined
Secondary port: 2             Port status: Unknown    Tag status: Undetermined
Hello timer interval: 1  sec  0  millisec
Fail timer interval:  3  sec  0  millisec
Fail Timer expiry action: Send alert
Last valid EAPS update: From Master Id 00:01:30:f9:9c:b0, at Wed Jun  9 09:09:35 2004
EAPS Domain has following Controller Vlan:
Vlan Name                    VID
c1                           1000
EAPS Domain has following Protected Vlan(s):
Vlan Name                    VID
p_1                          1
p_2                          2
p_3                          3
p_4                          4
p_5                          5
p_6                          6
p_7                          7
p_8                          8
p_9                          9
p_10                         10
p_11                         11
p_12                         12
p_13                         13
p_14                         14
p_15                         15
p_16                         16
p_17                         17
p_18                         18
p_19                         19
p_20                         20
p_21                         21
p_22                         22
p_23                         23
p_24                         24
p_25                         25
p_26                         26
p_27                         27
p_28                         28
p_29                         29
p_30                         30

The following command displays information on EAPS domain domain12, which is configured to send hello packets on the secondary port:

Switch.9 # show eaps "domain12"
Name: domain12     Priority: High
State: Complete    Running: Yes
Enabled: Yes       Mode: Master
Primary port:   17            Port status: Up Tag status: Tagged
Secondary port: 27            Port status: Blocked    Tag status: Tagged
Hello Egress Port: Secondary
Hello timer interval: 0  sec  100  millisec
Fail timer interval:  0  sec  300  millisec
Fail Timer expiry action: Send alert
Last update: From Master Id 00:04:96:34:e3:43, at Tue May 11 15:39:29 2010
EAPS Domain has following Controller Vlan:
Vlan Name                    VID
vlanc12                      1002
EAPS Domain has following Protected Vlan(s):
Vlan Name                    VID
pvlan11                      204
pvlan12                      205
pvlan13                      206
Number of Protected Vlans: 3


You might see a slightly different display, depending on whether you display the master node or the transit node.

The display from the show eaps detail command shows all the information shown in the show eaps eapsDomain command, but displays information for all configured EAPS domains.

For the CFM support in EAPS, t he existing show eaps output places a “!” next to a CFM monitored ring port if the CFM indicates the MEP group for that port is down.

# sh eaps
EAPS Enabled: Yes
EAPS Fast-Convergence: Off
EAPS Display Config Warnings: Off
EAPS Multicast Add Ring Ports: Off
EAPS Multicast Send IGMP Query: On
EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding: Off
EAPS Multicast Temporary Flooding Duration: 15 sec
Number of EAPS instances: 1
# EAPS domain configuration :
Domain         State           Mo  En  Pri    Sec    Control-Vlan VID   Count Prio
d2             Failed          M   Y   !41     31    v2           (101 ) 1     N
Flags : (!) CFM Down


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.0.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the Summit X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2, X770, and ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X620, X690, X870 series switches.