Configuring MCT for VPLS or VLL

Configuration of VPLS or VLL for MCT requires the adding of member bridge domains to the MCT cluster and a PW client.

Before you begin

  • Before configuring VPLS MCT, configure a point-to-multipoint (p2mp) bridge domain.
  • Before configuring VLL MCT, configure a point-to-point (p2p) bridge domain.

For information on configuring VLL or VPLS bridge domains, refer to the "VPLS and VLL Layer 2 VPN services" chapter.

For information on configuring the MCT cluster and client, refer to Configuring MCT. Their full configuration is provided in the example after the steps.

About this task

Perform the following steps to configure MCT for VPLS or VLL.


  1. In privileged EXEC mode, enter global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Access the cluster on the device.
    device(config)# cluster leaf1_2
  3. Configure the peer IP address.
    device(config-cluster-leaf1_2)# peer
  4. Configure the peer interface port-channel.
    device(config-cluster-leaf1_2)# peer-interface port-channel 40
  5. Create the PW client for the cluster.
    device(config-cluster-leaf1_2)# client-pw
    Only one instance of the PW client represents all VPLS or VLL PWs over all bridge domains.
  6. Configure the member bridge-domain for MCT.
    device(config-cluster-leaf1_2)# member bridge-domain all
    By default the member bridge-domain all is configured.
  7. Configure the interface port-channel.
    device(config-cluster-leaf1_2)# int port-channel 40
  8. Set the IP address and subnet mask for the port-channel interface.
    device(config-Port-channel-40)# ip address
  9. Configure the port-channel interface range?
    device(config-Port-channel-40)# int port-channel 1-2,5
  10. Set the cluster client to auto.
    device(config-Port-channel-1-2,5)# cluster-client auto


The following example are the steps in the previous configuration with the additional configuration of the MCT cluster and client.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# cluster leaf1_2
device(config-cluster-leaf1_2)# peer
device(config-cluster-leaf1_2)# peer-interface port-channel 40
device(config-cluster-leaf1_2)# client-pw
device(config-cluster-leaf1_2)# member bridge-domain all
device(config-cluster-leaf1_2)# int port-channel 40
device(config-Port-channel-40)# ip address
device(config-Port-channel-40)# int port-channel 1-2,5
device(config-Port-channel-1-2,5)# cluster-client auto