Displaying MVRP configuration information, statistics, and attributes

You can display the following MVRP information:

Displaying the global MVRP information on the device

To display the global MVRP information on the device including configured ports, global enable status, and timer settings, use the show mvrp command.

device# show mvrp
Total configured mvrp ports            : 5
Global Status                          : Enabled
Join-timer(in centiseconds)            : 20
Leave-timer(in centiseconds)           : 100
Leaveall-timer(in centiseconds)        : 1000
MVRP Port(s): eth0/1, eth0/5, eth0/7, eth0/9, po11

Displaying the MVRP information for an Ethernet or port-channel interface

To display the MVRP information for an Ethernet or port-channel interface, use the show mvrp inteface command. This information includes the MVRP status, timer and applicant-mode settings, and information about registered, declared, and forbidden VLANs.

device# show mvrp interface ethernet 0/1
MVRP Status                            : Enabled
Join-timer(in centiseconds)            : 20
Leave-timer(in centiseconds)           : 100
Leaveall-timer(in centiseconds)        : 1000
P2p                                    : Yes
Applicant Mode                         : normal-participant
Registered Vlan(s)                     : 1 to 60 77 100 to 500 999
Declared Vlan(s)                       : 1 to 60 77 100 to 500 999
Forbidden Vlan(s)                      : 10

Displaying the MVRP statistics for an Ethernet or port-channel interface

To display the statistics for received and transmitted MVRPDU messages on the interfaces, use the show mvrp statistics command.

The following example displays the statistics for all interfaces.

device# show mvrp statistics
Port : eth0/1
Message type                   Transmitted  Received    
New                            0            0           
In                             0            1809        
Join In                        1816         0           
Join Empty                     1788         0           
Empty                          0            771         
Leave                          99           0           
Leave-all                      264          512         
Total PDUs                     1827         1293        
Port : Po100
Message type                   Transmitted  Received    
New                            0            2           
In                             693          0           
Join In                        1800         1777        
Join Empty                     0            1956        
Empty                          396          0           
Leave                          0            96          
Leave-all                      369          346         
Total PDUs                     1807         1799        

Displaying MVRP attributes

To display attributes for all or specific MVRP-enabled Ethernet or port-channel interfaces including the port and VLAN states, use the show mvrp attributes command.

The following example displays MVRP attributes for all interfaces.

device# show mvrp attributes
Port : eth0/17   State : Disabled
VLAN       Registrar            Registrar            Applicant               
           State                Mgmt                 State                   
Port : eth0/5    State : Forwarding
VLAN       Registrar            Registrar            Applicant               
           State                Mgmt                 State                   
1          In                   Fixed                Quiet Active            
5          Empty                Normal               Quiet Active            
10         In                   Fixed                Quiet Active            
Port : po10      State : Forwarding
VLAN       Registrar            Registrar            Applicant               
           State                Mgmt                 State                   
1          In                   Fixed                Quiet Active            
5          In                   Normal               Very Anxious Observer   
10         Empty                Normal               Quiet Active   

The following example displays MVRP attributes for a specified interface.

device# show mvrp attributes interface ethernet 0/5

Port : eth0/5    State : Forwarding
VLAN       Registrar            Registrar            Applicant               
           State                Mgmt                 State                   
1          In                   Fixed                Quiet Active            
5          Empty                Normal               Quiet Active            
10         In                   Fixed                Quiet Active   

The following example displays MVRP attributes for a specified VLAN.

device# show mvrp attributes vlan 10
PORT   VLAN      Registrar         Registrar        Applicant
                 State             Mgmt             State
eth0/5 10        In                Fixed            Quiet Active 
po10   10        Empty             Normal           Quiet Active