Creating a test profile

To configure the Y.1731 performance monitoring feature on your Extreme device, perform the following task.
  1. Enter the global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Use the protocol cfm command to enter the CFM protocol configuration mode
    device(config)# protocol cfm
  3. Use the y1731 command to enter the Y.1731 configuration mode.
    device(config-cfm)# y1731
  4. Use the test-profile command to create a test profile.
    device(config-cfm-y1731)# test-profile mytest-profile
  5. Use the type command to configure the profile type as ETH-DM or ETH-SLM.
    device(config-cfm-y1731-mytest-profile)# type delay-management
    device(config-cfm-y1731-mytest-profile)# type synthetic-loss-measurement
    Enter the synthetic-loss-measurement to configure the profile type as ETH-SLM
  6. Use the tx-interval command to configure the transmission interval.
    device(config-cfm-y1731-mytest-profile)# tx-interval 10
  7. Use the measurement-interval command to configure the measurement interval.
    device(config-cfm-y1731-mytest-profile)# measurement-interval 30
  8. Use the start command to configure the start time.
    device(config-cfm-y1731-mytest-profile)# start 09:00:00
  9. Use the stop command to configure the stop time.
    device(config-cfm-y1731-mytest-profile)# stop 17:00:00
  10. Use the cos command to configure the class of service (CoS).
    device(config-cfm-y1731-mytest-profile)# cos 7
  11. Use the threshold command to configure the threshold for the ETH-DM.
    device(config-cfm-y1731-mytest-profile)# threshold average 4294967295
  12. Use the tx-frame-count command to configure the tx frame count.
    device(config-cfm-y1731-mytest-profile)# tx-frame-count 50 
  13. Use the timeout command to configure the timeout value.
    device(config-cfm-y1731-mytest-profile)# timeout 3