Server capabilities
NETCONF capability is a set of protocol extensions that supplements the base NETCONF
specification. Capabilities are identified with unique Uniform Resource Identifiers
Capabilities augment the base operations of the NETCONF server, describing both the
additional operations and the contents allowed inside the operations. To support a
capability, the NETCONF server must support all its dependent capabilities.
The following capabilities are supported on SLX-OS switches:
- Base capability—The set of operations and contents that any NETCONF
implementation must support. The URI for the base capability is
urn:ietf:param:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0. Both the NETCONF client and server must
support the base capability.
- Writable-running capability—Indicates that the device supports
<edit-config> and <copy-config> operations where the <running>
configuration is the target. The URI is
- Startup capability—Supports separate datastores for the running and startup
configuration. Operations performed on the running-config datastore do not
affect the startup configuration until a <copy-config> operation is
performed to explicitly copy the running configuration to the startup
configuration. The URI for the startup capability is
- Xpath capability—Supports XPath expressions in <filter> elements.
<filter> elements are used in <get> and <get-config>
operations to limit the scope of the retrieved data. The URI for the xpath
capability is urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:xpath:1.0.
- Validate capability—Allows validation to be performed on a configuration. The
URI for the validate capability is
- Actions capability—Allows operations to
be performed on the datastore using the custom action mechanism for features
that are supported by this mechanism in the YANG code. Refer to “Using the
custom action mechanism” on page 17 for details. The URI for the actions
capability is
- tailf-aaa capability—Supports proprietary authentication, authorization, and
accounting (AAA). The URI for the tailf-aaa capability is
- Extreme proprietary capabilities—A set of capabilities that support Extreme
SLX-OS features. Each capability references a namespace containing instance
data. Each namespace corresponds to a file containing the YANG module that
models the data. For example, the brocade-cee-map capability at URI
provides support for the features modeled in the brocade-cee-map module.
For an overview of each YANG module and structural details, refer to the Extreme SLX-OS
YANG Reference Manual. For element definitions, refer to the specific YANG file .

The Candidate Configuration capability and Confirmed Commit capability are not