Configure L3-Hand-Off EPG and BGP Peer under Ownership of Shared Tenant

L3-Hand-Off endpoint groups (EPG) created under the ownership of Shared Tenant are exclusively meant for the hand-off of the Shared VRF. You cannot create the Extension EPGs under the ownership of Shared Tenant. BGP peer created under the ownership of Shared Tenant are exclusively meant for the hand-off of the Shared VRF.

Before you begin

Follow this procedure to configure L3-hand-off EPG and BGP peer.


  1. To configure shared tenant, run the following command:
    efa tenant create --name <epg-name> --type shared --port <port-list>
        --vrf-count <num-of-vrfs> --l3-vni-range <l3-vni-range>
        --vlan-range <vlan-range> --l2-vni-range <l2-vni-range>
  2. To configure shared VRF under the ownership of shared tenant, run the following command:
    efa tenant vrf create --name <vrf-name> --tenant <shared-tenant-name>
  3. To configure L3-hand-off EPG under the ownership of shared tenant using the Shared VRF, run the following command:
    efa tenant epg create --name <epg-name> --type l3-hand-off --tenant <shared-tenant-name-owning-the-shared-vrf>
        --po <po-list> --switchport-mode <trunk|access> --ctag-range <ctag-range>
        --local-ip <ctag,device-ip:local-ip> --vrf <shared-vrf-owned-by-shared-tenant>
  4. To configure BGP peer under the ownership of shared tenant using the shared VRF, run the following command:
    efa tenant service bgp peer create --name <bgp-peer-name> --tenant <shared-tenant-owning-the-shared-vrf>
        --ipv4-uc-nbr <device-ip,shared-vrf-owned-by-shared-tenant:bgp-peer-ip,bgp-peer-remote-asn>