Display Threshold Monitor Settings

You can use the CLI commands to display threshold monitor settings which are part of the device settings..

About this task

Use this procedure to display threshold monitor settings.


Run the following command:
efa inventory device threshold-monitor list --ip device-ips --fabric fabric-name


--ip device-ips
Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. For example:,,
--fabric fabric-name
Specify the name of the fabric.


This example shows the current inventory threshold-monitor settings for the specified device.

efa inventory device threshold-monitor list --ip
|IP      |     Type    | Actions| High | Low  | Count| Interval| Retry| AppState  |
|Address |             |        | Limit| Limit|      |         |      |           |
|10.10   | bfd-session | snmp   | 80   | 50   | 3    | 60      |      |cfg-in-sync|
|.10.75  |             |        |      |      |      |         |      |           |
+        +-------------+--------+------+------+------+---------+------+-----------+
|        | vxlan-tunnel|        | 80   |      | 6    |         |      |cfg-in-sync|
+        +-------------+--------+------+------+------+---------+------+-----------+
|        | lif         | snmp   | 80   | 50   | 3    | 60      |      |cfg-in-sync|
+        +-------------+--------+------+------+------+---------+------+-----------+
|        | mac-table   | snmp   | 80   | 50   | 3    | 60      |      |cfg-in-sync|
+        +-------------+--------+------+------+------+---------+------+-----------+
|        | cpu         | all    | 80   |      |      | 60      | 3    |cfg-in-sync|
+        +-------------+--------+------+------+------+---------+------+-----------+
|        | memory      | raslog | 80   |      |      | 60      | 3    |cfg-in-sync|