APS: Pre-provisioning Support by Modifying the Target Device List to Include the MCT Neighbor

Scenario Target Device List Resultant Topology
Single Homed PO Create with PO member on Rack1Device2 Rack1Device1 Rack1Device2 Partial Success
Endpoint group (EPG) create with cluster edge port (CEP) member on Rack1Device2 Rack1Device1 Rack1Device2 Partial Success
BGP Peer Group create with the peer-group residing on Rack1Device2 Rack1Device1 Rack1Device2 Partial Success
BGP Peer Create with the static or dynamic BGP peers residing on Rack1Device2 Rack1Device1 Rack1Device2 Partial Success
VRF update with SR or SR-BFD residing on Rack1Device2 Rack1Device1 Rack1Device2 Partial Success
efa tenant show
| Name | L2VNI-Range | L3VNI-Range | VLAN-Range | VRF-Count | Enable-BD |  Type   |        Ports         |
| ten1 |             |             | 11-20      | 10        | False     | private |[0/1-10] |
|      |             |             |            |           |           |         |[0/1-10] |
Tenant Details

efa inventory admin-state down --ip
AdminStateDown [success]
Admin State Down execution UUID: 6eaa1ebe-40fe-4628-8d5c-df11ffc4521e
execute the CLI to get details : efa inventory admin-state detail --uuid 6eaa1ebe-40fe-4628-8d5c-df11ffc4521e

efa inventory admin-state detail --uuid 6eaa1ebe-40fe-4628-8d5c-df11ffc4521e
|              NAME              |                VALUE                 |
| UUID                           | 6eaa1ebe-40fe-4628-8d5c-df11ffc4521e |
| Device IP                      |                         |
| Admin State Action             | down                                 |
| Status                         | success                              |
| Fabric Status                  | success                              |
| Tenant Status                  | success                              |
| Maintenance Mode Enable Status | success                              |
| Start Time                     | 2021-02-06 21:18:53 -0800 PST        |
| Last Modified                  | 2021-02-06 21:19:59 -0800 PST        |
| Duration                       | 1m5.517263907s                       |

Behavior in XCO

efa tenant po create --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --port[0/1-2] --speed 10Gbps --negotiation active

efa tenant epg create --name ten1epg1 --tenant ten1 --po ten1po1 --switchport-mode trunk --ctag-range 11-12 --anycast-ip 11: --anycast-ip 12: --vrf ten1vrf1

efa tenant service bgp peer create --name ten1bgppeer1 --tenant ten1 --ipv4-uc-nbr,ten1vrf1:,65001

efa tenant service bgp peer-group create --name ten1bgppeergroup1 --tenant ten1 --pg-name --pg-asn,pg1:65010

efa tenant po show --name ten1po1 --tenant ten1
|  Name   | Tenant | ID | Speed  | Negotiation | Min Link |  Lacp   |        Ports        |   State    |    Dev State    | App State |
|         |        |    |        |             |  Count   | Timeout |                     |            |                 |           |
| ten1po1 |  ten1  | 1  | 10Gbps |   active    |    1     |  long   |[0/1-2] | po-created | not-provisioned | cfg-ready |

efa tenant vrf show --name ten1vrf1 --tenant ten1
(efa:root)root@node-2:~# efa tenant vrf show --name ten1vrf1 --tenant ten1
|   Name   | Tenant | Routing    | Centralized |   Redistribute   | Max | Local| Enable|   State    |    Dev State    | App State |
|          |        | Type       | Routers     |                  | Path| Asn  | GR    |            |                 |           |
| ten1vrf1 |  ten1  | distributed|             | connected,static | 50  | 65002| false | vrf-create | not-provisioned | cfg-ready |

efa tenant epg show --detail
Name          : ten1epg1
Tenant        : ten1
Description   :
Type          : extension
Ports         :
POs           :
              : unstable            : ten1po1
Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
              : native-vlan-tagging : false
NW Policy     : ctag-range          : 11-12
              : vrf                 : ten1vrf1 [unstable]
              : l3-vni              : 8192
Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
| Ctag | L2-Vni | Anycast-IPv4 | Anycast-IPv6 | BD-name | Local IP (Device-IP->Local-IP) |    Ctag-Description     | Mtu-IPv6-ND | ManagedConfig-IPv6-ND | OtherConfig-IPv6-ND |    Dev-state    | App-state |
| 11   | 11     | |              |         |                                | Tenant L3 Extended VLAN |             | False                 | False               | not-provisioned | cfg-ready |
| 12   | 12     | |              |         |                                | Tenant L3 Extended VLAN |             | False                 | False               | not-provisioned | cfg-ready |

efa tenant service bgp peer-group show
Name        : ten1bgppeergroup1
Tenant      : ten1
State       : bgp-pg-state-created
Description :
|  Device IP   | PEER-GROUP-NAME | REMOTE | BFD    | BFD      | BFD | BFD       | Next-Hop-Self | Update-Source-IP |    Dev-state    | App-state |
|              |                 | ASN    | Enabled| Interval | Rx  | Multiplier|               |                  |                 |           |
| | pg1             | 65010  | false  | 0        | 0   | 0         | false         |                  | not-provisioned | cfg-ready |

efa tenant service bgp peer show
Name        : ten1bgppeer1
Tenant      : ten1
State       : bs-state-created
Description :
Static Peer:
|  Device IP   |   VRF    | AFI  |  SAFI   | REMOTE   | REMOTE | BFD    | BFD     | BFD | BFD       | Next Hop | Update   |    Dev-state    | App-state |
|              |          |      |         | IP       | ASN    | Enabled| Interval| Rx  | Multiplier| Self     | Source IP|                 |           |
| | ten1vrf1 | ipv4 | unicast | | 65001  | false  | 0       | 0   | 0         | false    |          | not-provisioned | cfg-ready |
Dynamic Peer:
| Device IP | VRF | AFI | SAFI | Listen Range | Peer Group | Listen Limit | Dev-state | App-state |

efa inventory admin-state up --ip
AdminStateUp [success]
Admin State Up started execution UUID: 0ae0db00-c0de-4d55-8410-6d67bca4ad65

efa inventory admin-state detail --uuid 0ae0db00-c0de-4d55-8410-6d67bca4ad65
|            NAME             |                VALUE                 |
| UUID                        | 0ae0db00-c0de-4d55-8410-6d67bca4ad65 |
| Device IP                   |                         |
| Admin State Action          | up                                   |
| Status                      | success                              |
| Fabric Status               | success                              |
| Tenant Status               | success                              |
| Drift and Reconcile id      | a3c987ea-f709-4f7c-8ae4-bc5c9481cc55 |
| Drift and Reconcile Status  | DR Completed                         |
| Start Time                  | 2021-02-06 21:39:09 -0800 PST        |
| Last Modified               | 2021-02-06 21:47:09 -0800 PST        |
| Duration                    | 8m0.126957723s                       |
--- Time Elapsed: 47.334754ms ---

efa tenant vrf show --name ten1vrf1 --tenant ten1
|   Name   | Tenant | Routing Type | Centralized |   Redistribute   | Max | Local | Enable |       State        |  Dev State  |  App State  |
|          |        |              | Routers     |                  | Path| Asn   | GR     |                    |             |             |
| ten1vrf1 |  ten1  | distributed  |             | connected,static | 50  | 65002 | false  | vrf-device-created | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |

efa tenant po show
|  Name   | Tenant | ID |       Description        | Speed  | Negotiation | MinLinkCount |        Ports        | LacpTimeout |   State    |  Dev-State  |   App-State  |
| ten1po1 | ten1   | 1  | EFA Port-channel ten1po1 | 10Gbps | active      | 1            |[0/1-2] | long        | po-created | provisioned |  cfg-in-sync |

efa tenant epg show
Name          : ten1epg1
Tenant        : ten1
Description   :
Type          : extension
Ports         :
POs           :
              : unstable            : ten1po1
Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
              : native-vlan-tagging : false
NW Policy     : ctag-range          : 11-12
              : vrf                 : ten1vrf1
              : l3-vni              : 8192
Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
| Ctag | L2-Vni | Anycast-IPv4 | Anycast-IPv6 | BD-name | Local IP (Device-IP->Local-IP) |    Ctag-Description     | Mtu-IPv6-ND | ManagedConfig-IPv6-ND | OtherConfig-IPv6-ND |  Dev-state  |   App-state  |
| 11   | 11     | |              |         |                                | Tenant L3 Extended VLAN |             | False                 | False               | provisioned |  cfg-in-sync |
| 12   | 12     | |              |         |                                | Tenant L3 Extended VLAN |             | False                 | False               | provisioned |  cfg-in-sync |
For 'unstable' entities, run 'efa tenant po/vrf show' for details

efa tenant service bgp peer-group show
Name        : ten1bgppeergroup1
Tenant      : ten1
State       : bgp-pg-state-created
Description :
|  Device IP   | PEER-GROUP-NAME | REMOTE ASN | BFD Enabled | BFD Interval | BFD Rx | BFD Multiplier | Next-Hop-Self | Update-Source-IP |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
| | pg1             | 65010      | false       | 0            | 0      | 0              | false         |                  | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |

efa tenant service bgp peer show
Name        : ten1bgppeer1
Tenant      : ten1
State       : bs-state-created
Description :
Static Peer:
|  Device IP   |   VRF    | AFI  |  SAFI   | REMOTE IP | REMOTE ASN | BFD Enabled | BFD Interval | BFD Rx | BFD Multiplier | Next Hop Self | Update Source IP |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
| | ten1vrf1 | ipv4 | unicast |  | 65001      | false       | 0            | 0      | 0              | false         |                  | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
Dynamic Peer:
| Device IP | VRF | AFI | SAFI | Listen Range | Peer Group | Listen Limit | Dev-state | App-state |