Social Media Onboarding

ExtremeGuest Essentials allows social media authentication for guest users. The access point sends open authorization (OAUTH) requests to Facebook, Google or LinkedIn to authenticate on behalf of users. On successful validation of user credentials, the user is granted access for the duration allowed by the onboarding policy.


Guest Essentials do not capture or store user credentials or any other user information.

The Google OAUTH server tracks user-agent browsers used at log in and does not recognize Apple CAN and Android Mini browsers as valid user-agents. The Google OAUTH server blocks any mobile browser used as a captive portal pop-up screen. On Android devices, the Google OAUTH server redirects to Chrome. On Apple devices, the Google OAUTH server launches Safari (or other browsers) manually to complete registration using Google+. Other social media methods do not have this issue.



Dependencies: You must complete all guest registration configuration before configuring social media onboarding, including the following:
  • XIQ-GuestReg service set identifier (SSID)
  • The onboarding rule, GuestReg
  • The GuestRegistration splash template.